CompassSoftware / AppTAG

AppState's TAG - The Accounting Game
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Small cleanups from Prof Stolberg in Building Blocks room #224

Open fenwickjb opened 4 years ago

fenwickjb commented 4 years ago

Building Blocks Room   Panel 1: Change first paragraph to read: "By using the information in various financial statements, including the" and then have the 4 statements named remain.   Panel 2: Screen 1 -- Typical month's expenses; take depreciatin expense out & tuition expense

Need to get clarification from Prof Stolberg on this:   Panel 3: Add: In personal finance, might be how much Accacio wants to save     | In corporate setting pay investors "dividends" ; in personal finance would call "distributions

Fenwick will do the panel 4 one...   Panel 4: THIS IS NOT A BALANCE SHEET -- we need to change before anyone outside reviews   |   | Use Balsamiq p. 22 -- but use "equity" rather than "stockholder's equity" -- I can create a excel example, if you'd like..   |   | A balance sheet is a snaphot for specifc date in time   |   | Assets = resources he has like cash, car,; liabilitie = what h owes like car loan what's left is equity   |   | (Don't need to add here, but for clarification purposes, it is accounting equation, which is whyassets must balance with liabilities and equity)

As in #223, need to edit the DOCX file, capture new screen image, transparentify, upload to assets. I think the "spreadsheet" inside panel 2 can be edited there? It might be beside the figure and then copied into the figure? Can't remember. Let me know if have any confusion...