Task "Set gpgcheck=1 for each yum repo" fails with templating type error when var ensure_gpgcheck_never_disabled is set to false. It works fine when set to true.
TASK [redhatofficial.rhel7_cis : Set gpgcheck=1 for each yum repo] **
fatal: [xxxxx]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({{ repo_grep_results.stdout | regex_findall( '(.+\\.repo):\\[(.+)\\]\\n?' ) }}): expected string or buffer"}
Task "Set gpgcheck=1 for each yum repo" fails with templating type error when var ensure_gpgcheck_never_disabled is set to false. It works fine when set to true.
TASK [redhatofficial.rhel7_cis : Set gpgcheck=1 for each yum repo] ** fatal: [xxxxx]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({{ repo_grep_results.stdout | regex_findall( '(.+\\.repo):\\[(.+)\\]\\n?' ) }}): expected string or buffer"}