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Google calendar timezone #232

Closed shantanuo closed 3 months ago

shantanuo commented 3 months ago

I tried the example code that I found here....

This is working as expected. But is there any way to set the time to IST (Indian Standard Time)?

sohamganatra commented 3 months ago

It should work out of box ideally! Just try adding to task that we give to agent something like, can you make those events in Indian timezone. Agent with a good model will be smart enough to know how to achieve that.

shantanuo commented 3 months ago

I just changed the description by adding that instruction and it worked as expected.

description=f"Use IST (Indian Standard Time). Book slots according to {todo}....

This is really awesome! No programming required? No need of hellish chains like ? What the programmers are supposed to do now?

shantanuo commented 3 months ago

I need the description of the task to be added to the calendar like...

todo = ''' 1PM - 3PM -> Code, > Work on pending tasks of chatGPT integration 5PM - 7PM -> Meeting, > call and discuss pending tasks with developers 9AM - 12AM -> Learn soemthing > Learn how to use composio effectively 8PM - 10PM -> Game > play couter strike and pubG

''' How do I achieve this?

shantanuo commented 3 months ago

Again, mentioning that part in description itself is the key.

description=f"Use IST (Indian Standard Time). Book slots according to {todo}. Label them with the work provided to be done in that time period. Schedule it for today. add the description that is mentioned after greater than sign. Today's date is {date} (it's in YYYY-MM-DD format) and make the timezone be {timezone}.",