CompositionalIT / farmer

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VM support for Ultra SSD disks and multiple NICs + West US 3 #1006

Closed ninjarobot closed 1 year ago

ninjarobot commented 1 year ago

The changes in this PR are as follows:

I have read the contributing guidelines and have completed the following:

If I haven't completed any of the tasks above, I include the reasons why here:

Below is a minimal example configuration that includes the new features, which can be used to deploy to Azure:

This creates a virtual network with two subnets, one for application servers and one for database servers. The
application servers and database servers are distributed across two availability zones. The application
servers are connected to both subnets. The database servers use Ultra Disks. All of this deploys to 
West US 3, a sustainable datacenter with multiple AZs.

#r "nuget: Farmer"

open System
open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders

let privateNet = vnet {
    name "private-net"
    build_address_spaces [
        addressSpace {
            space ""
            build_subnet "app-subnet" 27
            build_subnet "database-subnet" 28

let appServerZone1 =
    vm {
        name "app-server-z1"
        add_availability_zone "1"
        vm_size Vm.Standard_B1ms
        username "azureuser"
        operating_system Vm.UbuntuServer_2004LTS
        os_disk 128 Vm.Premium_LRS
        disable_password_authentication true
        link_to_vnet "private-net"
        subnet_name "app-subnet"
        // Static IP in the app subnet
        private_ip_allocation (StaticPrivateIp (Net.IPAddress.Parse ""))
        add_ip_configurations [
            // This will generate an additional static IP in the VM's subnet (app-subnet)
            ipConfig {
                private_ip_allocation (StaticPrivateIp (Net.IPAddress.Parse ""))
            // This will generate an additional NIC for the database subnet
            ipConfig {
                // Assign static IP for the database subnet since database IP's are static
                private_ip_allocation (StaticPrivateIp (Net.IPAddress.Parse ""))
                subnet_name (ResourceName "database-subnet")
        add_authorized_keys [
            "/home/azureuser/.ssh/authorized_keys", (

// Second VM in the other availability zone.
let appServerZone2 =
    vm {
        name "app-server-z2"
        add_availability_zone "2"
        vm_size Vm.Standard_B1ms
        username "azureuser"
        operating_system Vm.UbuntuServer_2004LTS
        os_disk 128 Vm.Premium_LRS
        disable_password_authentication true
        link_to_vnet "private-net"
        private_ip_allocation (StaticPrivateIp (Net.IPAddress.Parse ""))
        add_ip_configurations [
            ipConfig {
                private_ip_allocation (StaticPrivateIp (Net.IPAddress.Parse ""))
            ipConfig {
                private_ip_allocation (StaticPrivateIp (Net.IPAddress.Parse ""))
                subnet_name (ResourceName "database-subnet")
        add_authorized_keys [
            "/home/azureuser/.ssh/authorized_keys", (

// Database server in zone 1 with ultra disk
let databaseServerZone1 =
    vm {
        name "database-server-z1"
        add_availability_zone "1"
        vm_size Vm.Standard_D2s_v5
        username "azureuser"
        operating_system Vm.UbuntuServer_2004LTS
        os_disk 128 Vm.Premium_LRS
        // Ultra disk for high performance database needs.
        add_disk 4096 Vm.UltraSSD_LRS
        disable_password_authentication true
        link_to_vnet "private-net"
        subnet_name "database-subnet"
        // Static IP in the database subnet
        private_ip_allocation (StaticPrivateIp (Net.IPAddress.Parse ""))
        public_ip None
        add_authorized_keys [
            "/home/azureuser/.ssh/authorized_keys", (

// Database server in zone 2 with ultra disk
let databaseServerZone2 =
    vm {
        name "database-server-z2"
        add_availability_zone "2"
        vm_size Vm.Standard_D2s_v5
        username "azureuser"
        operating_system Vm.UbuntuServer_2004LTS
        os_disk 128 Vm.Premium_LRS
        // Ultra disk for high performance database needs.
        add_disk 4096 Vm.UltraSSD_LRS
        disable_password_authentication true
        link_to_vnet "private-net"
        subnet_name "database-subnet"
        // Static IP in the database subnet
        private_ip_allocation (StaticPrivateIp (Net.IPAddress.Parse ""))
        public_ip None
        add_authorized_keys [
            "/home/azureuser/.ssh/authorized_keys", (

arm {
    location Location.WestUS3
    add_resources [
ninjarobot commented 1 year ago

@isaacabraham can you please review this PR to add more capabilities to VMs (multiple NICs, faster disks, availability zones)?