CompositionalIT / farmer

Repeatable Azure deployments with ARM templates - made easy!
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Update Builders.Functions.fs #1032

Closed kumkee closed 1 year ago

kumkee commented 1 year ago

Related to - default ExtensionVersion: V3 -> V4

This PR closes #1031

The changes in this PR are as follows:

I have read the contributing guidelines and have completed the following:

If I haven't completed any of the tasks above, I include the reasons why here: This is rather a tiny change.

Below is a minimal example configuration that includes the new features, which can be used to deploy to Azure:

open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders

let func =
    functions {
        name "myBareFunction"
        // use_extension_version V4 // -> V4 is officially recommended. With the PR, this line can be removed.

let deployment =
    arm {
        location Location.AustraliaEast
        add_resource func

deployment |> Deploy.execute "myBareFunction_grp" Deploy.NoParameters |> ignore
ninjarobot commented 1 year ago

@kumkee I had to fix the regression test to match with the code change.

ninjarobot commented 1 year ago

@isaacabraham any concerns with switching the default extension version to V4 now?