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Support for VM Scale Sets and IPv6 for VMs and Load Balancers #1074

Closed ninjarobot closed 8 months ago

ninjarobot commented 8 months ago

The changes in this PR are as follows:

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If I haven't completed any of the tasks above, I include the reasons why here:

Below is a minimal example configuration that includes the new features, which can be used to deploy to Azure:

VM Scale Set

vmss {
    name "my-scale-set"
    capacity 3

    vm_profile (
        vm {
            username "azureuser"
            operating_system UbuntuServer_2204LTS
            vm_size Standard_B1s
            os_disk 128 StandardSSD_LRS

VM and vNet support for IPv6

arm {
            vnet {
                name "my-net"
                // dual-stack vNet with both IPv4 and IPv6 address space.
                add_address_spaces [ ""; "fd0c:53d7:bb31::/48" ]

                        subnet {
                            name "dual-stack-subnet"
                            // The subnet where the VM will be linked needs IPv4 and IPv6 address space.
                            add_prefixes [ ""; "fd0c:53d7:bb31::/64" ]
            vm {
                name "my-vm"
                username "azureuser"
                vm_size Standard_B1s
                public_ip None
                operating_system UbuntuServer_2204LTS
                link_to_vnet "my-net"
                subnet_name "dual-stack-subnet"
                // An ipConfig is generated for the subnet for IPv4 so another must be added for IPv6
                        ipConfig {
                            subnet_name (ResourceName "dual-stack-subnet")
                            ip_v6 // will use the IPv6 address space on ths subnet
ninjarobot commented 8 months ago

@isaacabraham @martinbryant @OutOfScopeia is anyone available to review this?