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Femto does not work with SAFE v3 #3

Closed isaacabraham closed 1 year ago

isaacabraham commented 2 years ago
[17:54:31 INF] Analyzing project C:\Users\isaac\code\bladebla\src\Client\Client.fsproj
[17:54:31 INF] Running dotnet restore against the project
[17:54:34 INF] Detected paket.references file -> use paket
[17:54:34 INF] Installing Feliz.AgGrid within dependency group Main
[17:54:34 INF] Using locally installed paket
[17:54:41 INF] ✔ Nuget package Feliz.AgGrid installed successfully
[17:54:41 INF] Resolving potentially required npm packages with femto --resolve
[17:54:41 INF] Analyzing project C:\Users\isaac\code\bladebla\src\Client\Client.fsproj
[17:54:41 INF] Running dotnet restore against the project
[17:54:49 INF] Using npm for package management
[17:54:57 INF] Found package.json in C:\Users\isaac\code\bladebla
[17:54:57 INF] Npm packages need to be restored first for project analysis
[17:54:57 INF] Restoring npm packages using 'npm install' inside C:\Users\isaac\code\bladebla
[17:55:04 INF] Executing required actions for package resolution
[17:55:04 INF] Uninstalling [react, react-dom]
[17:55:07 INF] Installing dependencies [react@17.0.2, react-dom@17.0.2, ag-grid-community@24.1.0, ag-grid-react@24.1.1, bulma@0.9.3]
[17:55:10 ERR] Error while installing react@17.0.2, react-dom@17.0.2, ag-grid-community@24.1.0, ag-grid-react@24.1.1, bulma@0.9.3

@Zaid-Ajaj is there any way to get more information on the source of this error?

Zaid-Ajaj commented 2 years ago

Where is the error and what command did you execute exactly?

isaacabraham commented 2 years ago

Oh great, I didn't copy the whole message. Hang on.

isaacabraham commented 2 years ago

It was there just without a newline - sorry. The last line shows what the error is but not why it happened.

isaacabraham commented 2 years ago

As a side note, Femto leaves the project in a broken state - it doesn't revert the changes to what the package.json file was before the whole thing started, which IMHO it should do.

Zaid-Ajaj commented 2 years ago

Will check it out soon, maybe something changed in latest npm

Zaid-Ajaj commented 2 years ago

Hi @isaacabraham I just tried latest femto with latest SAFE and it works like it should. Not sure it didn't work for you, do you have latest femto as well? dotnet tool update -g femto to update to 0.9.0 (there is an issue that this version isn't in sync with femto --version which shows 0.8.7 😓 but don't worry too much about that)

teknikal-wizard commented 1 year ago

I just checked out the repo, updated femto and it all seems to be working ok so I'll close this.