CompuMasterGmbH / cammIntegrationPortal

camm Integration Portal (based on camm Web-Manager)
MIT License
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CWX #39

Open jochenwezel opened 7 years ago

jochenwezel commented 7 years ago

This is more errors in current CWX oder zumindest auf PoliciesCWX:

  1. Download handler FAILED to create a hard link: possibly already fixed in latest CWM version - maybe related to #38
  2. Text editor on save/quit with loaded HTML content (e.g. home.htm): ASP.NET RequestValidation fails, therefore encoding required BEFORE submitting of editor content - possibly see similar mechanism implemented in SmartPlainTextHtmlEditor
  3. Upload button leads to errror because upload DLL not available (any more) and/or required changes in web.config
  4. update CWM version and remove obsolete dependencies (Rad*, etc.)
  5. navigation component obsolete - to be replaced for browser compatibility

Exception details to point 1:

System.Exception: Win32 Fehlermeldung: 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Eine Datei kann nicht erstellt werden, wenn sie bereits vorhanden ist'
Hardlink-Sourcefile: 'C:\inetdata\...file_transfer\abc_03_15 x3.pdf'
Hardlink-Targetfile: 'C:\inetpub\...\system\downloads\3Z_l2vCEttYKt4NrqaxQqQtt\cache\cwx\aS5qZs4w_WfwwCWUZYKSYQtt\abc_03_15 x3.pdf'
bei CompuMaster.camm.WebManager.Tools.IO.Junctions.Create(String ExistingFileSystemObject, String NewLinkingFileSystemObject, LinkTypeDirectives LinkType) in G:\svn_repository\compumaster_products\camm\Web-Manager\libraries\base\cammWM\CompuMaster.camm.WebManager.Tools.IO.Junctions.vb:Zeile 142.
bei CompuMaster.camm.WebManager.DownloadHandler.GetDataToRecordAndProcess(DownloadLocations downloadLocation, String pathInDownloadLocation, Boolean overwrite, Boolean zipFilesFirst, String zipArchiveName, Boolean enforceDownload) in G:\svn_repository\compumaster_products\camm\Web-Manager\libraries\base\cammWM\DownloadHandler.vb:Zeile 1505.