Compuskills-Jerusalem / mens-capstone-2020

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Customer Story and Feedback Loop #4 #4

Open bingo9499 opened 4 years ago

bingo9499 commented 4 years ago

Yes, the app would be useful because you could clearly set goals with the life coach and then mark the progress as certain goals were met (and in what time frame) and if not reached then both the person and the coach would know what to focus on. The app should have room to record dates and times of reaching goals as that would be important and also room for feedback from the coach within the text of the person/patient's diary.

nossondsimon commented 4 years ago

Great idea to have the stats viewable for the goals. Might be a lot of pressure though for the user...

bingo9499 commented 4 years ago

True. I think there's probably a way we can use a similar concept without putting pressure on users to complete tasks or make themselves feel like they are super time sensitive all the time.