The electorate in the United States has strong party identification (party ID), which means that people often identify strongly with one political party or the other. The members of the Congress also uses phrases that reflect strong party ID, thus allowing indexing to determine media slant.
However, how could we do similar study on a multiparty political system? For example, how replicable is this study on media slant replicable in new democracies, which are usually typified with a large and unstable number and coalitions of political parties?
How replicable is the study?
The electorate in the United States has strong party identification (party ID), which means that people often identify strongly with one political party or the other. The members of the Congress also uses phrases that reflect strong party ID, thus allowing indexing to determine media slant.
However, how could we do similar study on a multiparty political system? For example, how replicable is this study on media slant replicable in new democracies, which are usually typified with a large and unstable number and coalitions of political parties?
Any ideas of other means to 'index slant'?