Computational-Content-Analysis-2018 / 19-Jan-1-General-purpose-computer-assisted-clustering-and-conceptualization

Grimmer, Justin and Gary King. 2011. “General purpose computer-assisted clustering and conceptualization.”PNAS (Feb. 3).
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Why is CAC sometimes able to find new clusters and other times not? #6

Open sunnyjooey opened 6 years ago

sunnyjooey commented 6 years ago

It's interesting to me how the authors' CAC approach was able to find a whole new (and significant) cluster, partisan taunting, in congressmen's press releases, but was not able to detect an important cluster, 9/11, in presidential addresses. Is it because the latter is so specific? Is the CAC approach inappropriate for detecting clusters regarding very specific events/concepts, even if they take up a lot of space (both textually and in the social consciousness)?