Computational-Content-Analysis-2018 / 5-Jan-Machine-Translation-Mining-Text-for-Social-Theory

Evans, James and Pedro Aceves. 2016. “Machine Translation: Mining Text for Social Theory”. Annual Review of Sociology 42:21-50. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-soc-081715-074206
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To what degree can we infer conceptual change from changes in written language? #7

Open mbokanga opened 6 years ago

mbokanga commented 6 years ago

I think the use of machine learning in, say, detecting latent ideology is very interesting, and it hits on the idea that people express concepts through text. However, I also wonder how much conceptual change or nuance isn't in the text itself or is hidden through synonymy or changes in how words are used. I'm a content analysis amateur, so I'm hoping to learn more this quarter and sort out these questions!