Computational-Content-Analysis-2020 / Readings-Responses-Spring

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Sampling, Crowd-Sourcing & Reliability - (E1) Roscigno & Hodson 2004 #7

Open jamesallenevans opened 4 years ago

jamesallenevans commented 4 years ago

Post questions about the following exemplary reading here:

  1. Roscigno, Vincent J. and Randy Hodson. 2004. “The Organizational and Social Foundations of Worker Resistance.” American Sociological Review 69(1): 14-39.
toecn commented 3 years ago

I see how the approach Roscigno & Hodson 2004 deploy is creative and resourceful, and I appreciate the methodological questions it poses. However, I remain doubtful about the method’s advantages. Why would we want to simplify an ethnography into a simple set of codes? Ethnographies are rich in their depth and used together they do not seem to provide a representative account. Ethnographic researchers select the cases for a plethora of reasons that would bias a sample, or they might be motivated for similar theoretical reasons that would also bias the sample. Is this a better approach than others for the question at hand? Wouldn’t a well carried representative survey serve the purpose better?

jcvotava commented 3 years ago

I have a similar question as the above commentor: how reliable is it to code behaviors in a binary (1 = occurs frequently / 0 = occurs rarely) and then use this binary for precise statistical analysis? I'm wondering if it's cause for further concern that the ethnographies were carried out by many different individuals. How can we control for what a "1" means in any given context?