ComputationalRadiationPhysics / haseongpu

HASEonGPU: High performance Amplified Spontaneous Emission on GPU
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Issue56 Separate Compile #57

Closed erikzenker closed 9 years ago

erikzenker commented 9 years ago

C++ and CUDA files are compiled separatly and the plain C++ files can contain C++11 code now.

slizzered commented 9 years ago

Great stuff with the CMakeLists.txt :+1: Could you rebase the first 4 commits and squash them to a standalone pull-request without all the changes in the C++ source code?

erikzenker commented 9 years ago

Sure, for some reason (infinite stupidness) I did not change to a new branch when adding graybat support.

erikzenker commented 9 years ago

The cleanup is finished and the graybat stuff now on the correct branch there is some graybat related pull request soon :rabbit:

psychocoderHPC commented 9 years ago

nice to see that you integrate graybat :+1: