ComputationalRadiationPhysics / openPMD-converter-GDF

converter between openPMD and GDF
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[NFR] Add ADIOS to accepted file formats #6

Open n01r opened 4 years ago

n01r commented 4 years ago


so I have written a lot of openPMD-favored ADIOS output during my last campaign. It would be cool if the conversion would also work for these files.

Perspectively, it might even be beneficial to go from something like hdf_to_gdf to openpmd_to_gdf since the standard makes sure that you always know how to treat the different backends.

n01r commented 4 years ago

Dammit, I built a serial ADIOS with the option --with-hdf5=$HDF5_ROOT to then get access to the tool bp2h5. Unfortunately, I was not able to just take this short route.

Got an error for bp2h5. So I'll have to report that to the ADIOS team and then convert the file to HDF5 by myself.

n01r commented 4 years ago

This comes to mind as well, where one could possibly benefit from the other:

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

I already have an implementation of reading and writing using openPMD in my local branch, so going to merge branch to master and finished on this week

n01r commented 4 years ago

Sweet! Sounds great! :sparkles: :tada:

ax3l commented 4 years ago

Excellent, using openPMD-api instead of h5py for the file handing will solve this immediately :)

sbastrakov commented 4 years ago

@ax3l yes, that is what the branch @KseniaBastrakova mentioned does.

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

Now, it works with openPMD files. @n01r , the maximum value of possible dataset is 268435455, because of GDF limitations

sbastrakov commented 4 years ago

@KseniaBastrakova just to clarify, do you mean the max amount of macroparticles to be possibly written to a gdf file? Is it per species or overall?

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

it's the max amount of macroparticles per species.

n01r commented 4 years ago

the maximum value of possible dataset is 268435455, because of GDF limitations

Ha, that just fits ^^ I have the same order of magnitude of protons that I want to convert - but less than this number. :) Let's see if this works.

n01r commented 4 years ago

Hmm ... doesn't work so easily, seems my files are too old and their attributes are different.

Converting .gdf to .hdf file
Destination .gdf directory not specified. Defaulting to simData_protons_rear_all_30000.gdf
Series constructor called with explicit iteration suggests loading a single file with groupBased iteration encoding. Loaded file is fileBased.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/garten70/src/openPMD-converter-GDF/", line 471, in <module>
    hdf_to_gdf(args.hdf, args.gdf, args.max_cell, args.species)
  File "/home/garten70/src/openPMD-converter-GDF/", line 31, in hdf_to_gdf
    series_hdf = openpmd_api.Series(hdf_file_directory, openpmd_api.Access_Type.read_only)
RuntimeError: Unexpected Attribute datatype for 'timeOffset'

I guess I have too look into this a bit more deeply.

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

Hmm ... doesn't work so easily, seems my files are too old and their attributes are different.

Converting .gdf to .hdf file
Destination .gdf directory not specified. Defaulting to simData_protons_rear_all_30000.gdf
Series constructor called with explicit iteration suggests loading a single file with groupBased iteration encoding. Loaded file is fileBased.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/garten70/src/openPMD-converter-GDF/", line 471, in <module>
    hdf_to_gdf(args.hdf, args.gdf, args.max_cell, args.species)
  File "/home/garten70/src/openPMD-converter-GDF/", line 31, in hdf_to_gdf
    series_hdf = openpmd_api.Series(hdf_file_directory, openpmd_api.Access_Type.read_only)
RuntimeError: Unexpected Attribute datatype for 'timeOffset'

I guess I have too look into this a bit more deeply.

I reproduced your problem. I think it's a problem with PicOnGPU checkpoints in ADOIS. Also, there is new issue about it:

n01r commented 4 years ago

I am not really trying to convert a checkpoint but a normal data dump from a single particle species but that is probably still the same issue.

sbastrakov commented 4 years ago

@n01r I believe the same writers are used for checkpointing and data dump.

In case the issue is indeed what @ax3l suggested, perhaps it would be possible to either fix it in the files or make a branch of openPMD-API that takes it into account. Not 100% sure tho, needs investigating.

n01r commented 4 years ago

It will probably be easier to fix it in my old files. I will only try to convert a very limited number of them to GPT, so fixing it in the files should be the easiest.

ax3l commented 4 years ago

I would recommend to fix your existing files with the ADIOS1 Numpy API: Can you share such a script here or in for others as well?

n01r commented 4 years ago

Will do once I get to it - it's more of a side project :)

ax3l commented 4 years ago

You know that this is a ten liner - maybe 20 lines if you feel fancy, just do it ;)