ComputationalRadiationPhysics / particle_reduction

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Particle Patches: Fallback #8

Open ax3l opened 4 years ago

ax3l commented 4 years ago

Hi @KseniaBastrakova,

just a minor issue discovered by @NeilZaim: "particle patches" are an optional feature in openPMD:

Although PIConGPU always writes them, these patches might not exist in other data sets such as the examples here: This currently leads to a segfault when using the scripts with those examples.

Can we please add the following simple fallback logic? If particle species does not declare particle patches, just chunk the particle read by a fixed number of particles, e.g. 1e7 particles at a time.

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

Thanks for pointing out, I will try to fix this now

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

Fixed. Tested on openPMD example datasets. Now it seems to work correctly

ax3l commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot, this is great! @NeilZaim does this work for you, too? :)

NeilZaim commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot! It goes further in the code but I still observe a couple of issues.

I'm trying to use the Voronoi algorithm using the following command: python -algorithm=voronoi -hdf=../simData_0008000.h5 -hdf_re=../reduced.h5 -momentum_tol=0.1 -momentum_pos=0.1 (these are random values for the tolerances)

The first issue I encounter is that I think the dimensions attribute of the algorithm is never set, which, for the Voronoi algorithm, results in a failure of the check_needs_subdivision function.

Since I'm testing the code with data from a 2D simulation, I guess that I can temporarily fix this by adding algorithm.dimensions = Dimensions(2,3) approximately anywhere in the code right?

Now if I do this and try the above command line, I obtain the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 891, in base_reduction_function(args.hdf, args.hdf_re, "voronoi", parameters) File "", line 133, in base_reduction_function process_iteration_group(algorithm, current_iteration, series_hdf, series_hdf_reduction, reduction_iteration) File "", line 160, in process_iteration_group process_patches_in_group_v2(iteration.particles[name_group], series_hdf, File "", line 737, in process_patches_in_group_v2 write_draft_copy(reduced_weight, relative_result, File "", line 537, in write_draft_copy particle_species["weighting_copy"][SCALAR][previos_idx:current_idx] = reduced_weight TypeError: setitem(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:

  1. (self: openpmd_api.Record_Component, tuple of index slices: tuple, array with values to assign: array) -> None
  2. (self: openpmd_api.Record_Component, slice: slice, array with values to assign: array) -> None
  3. (self: openpmd_api.RecordComponent, axis index: int, array with values to assign: array) -> None

Invoked with: <openPMD.Record_Component of dimensionality '1'>, slice(0, 1, None), [9120000000.0]

Do you know where this is coming from? I can run more tests if needed.

Thanks again!

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

@NeilZaim thanks. i reproduced it working on a fix

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

@NeilZaim now it seems to work. I also add some information about algorithms to a command arguments description

NeilZaim commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot @KseniaBastrakova !

I am now able to produce h5 output that I can read (tested with the Voronoi algorithm) so I'll start toying around and see what I can get :) .

I've encountered a few issues, listed below:

Thanks again!

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

@NeilZaim Thank you very much for the detailed description of the errors. Working on reproduction and fix

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

@NeilZaim, I fixed the first issue and, probably, the the secound one(I found a possible problem that could cause it), so now it seems work for all algorithms

sbastrakov commented 4 years ago

And I assume the third one was fixed with PR by @NeilZaim ?

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

And I assume the third one was fixed with PR by @NeilZaim ?

yes, I merged it already

NeilZaim commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot! I've just given it a try but I get the following error message

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 746, in voronoi_algorithm(args.hdf, args.hdf_re, args.momentum_tol, args.position_lol) File "", line 708, in voronoi_algorithm base_reduction_function(hdf_file_name, hdf_file_reduction_name, "voronoi", parameters) File "", line 203, in base_reduction_function process_iteration_group(algorithm, current_iteration, series_hdf, series_hdf_reduction, reduction_iteration) File "", line 222, in process_iteration_group process_patches_in_group_v2(iteration.particles[name_group], series_hdf, File "", line 654, in process_patches_in_group_v2 write_draft_copy(relative_data, dict_data_indexes, series_hdf_reduction, particle_species_reduction, File "", line 463, in write_draft_copy write_record_copy(current_record, values, series_hdf_reduction, previos_idx, current_idx) File "", line 435, in write_record_copy current_reduced_data = values_to_write[:, pos_vector_in_reduction_data].astype(current_type) IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 1

I don't have time to look at it in more details today but if you want I can run more tests/provide more details tomorrow.

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

@ NeilZaim Do you use 1-d coordinates? I think my problem in improper handling this dataset. (only testing on 2-d and 3-d) working on a fix

NeilZaim commented 4 years ago

No this is data from a 2D simulation. Although in this case the coordinates are named x and z. (there is no y coordinate) Could this be causing the issue?

NeilZaim commented 4 years ago

On a completely unrelated note, what is the current status of the Vranic algorithm? I see that there is a file in the Algorithm folder but the algorithm is not included in Is the algorithm working except for IO? Or is there still work to do on the algorithm itself? In both cases I can try to make it work, I'd like to test it.

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

No this is data from a 2D simulation. Although in this case the coordinates are named x and z. (there is no y coordinate) Could this be causing the issue?

could you provide a file? I made a file only with x and z. coordinates, but, sadly, still can't reproduce the bug

NeilZaim commented 4 years ago

Ok thanks. I think the data is a bit large but I'll see if I can produce smaller data with the same error message.

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

On a completely unrelated note, what is the current status of the Vranic algorithm? I see that there is a file in the Algorithm folder but the algorithm is not included in Is the algorithm working except for IO? Or is there still work to do on the algorithm itself? In both cases I can try to make it work, I'd like to test it.

I still work on the algorithm itself, so it works for a few simple cases, but I did not test it completely and did not measure the metrics

NeilZaim commented 4 years ago

No this is data from a 2D simulation. Although in this case the coordinates are named x and z. (there is no y coordinate) Could this be causing the issue?

could you provide a file? I made a file only with x and z. coordinates, but, sadly, still can't reproduce the bug

Hello Ksenia. I attach below a somewhat small h5 (~3MB) file which reproduces the issue.

The error appears when record_name in write_draft_copy is E so maybe it comes from the fact that the particle data I use contains the E and B field at the particles position?

In any case, I've also noticed that the line values = data[particle_index_range[0]:particle_index_range[1]][0] in write_draft_copy seems to be equivalent to values = data[particle_index_range[0]], which could be different from what you initially wanted no? (maybe you meant values = data[particle_index_range[0]:particle_index_range[1],0]?) If this is the case, could this cause the issue? (if this means that values does not have the expected shape)

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

@ NeilZaim, thank you for the small example. Yes, I think, it can cause this problem. I working on a small fix

KseniaBastrakova commented 4 years ago

@NeilZaim , i fixed it in #19. Now, your file working correctly in my case, could you try once again?

NeilZaim commented 4 years ago

So I've tested it and it works now, thanks a lot!

I still have some random segfaults during some of the calls to series_hdf_reduction.flush(), but I can live with that.

I've also noticed that the code feeds many values to the merging algorithms (all the components in particle_species.items(), for instance the E and B values at the particle positions) which are for the most part unused by the algorithms. Typically I've added something like

if record_component_name != "momentum":

in get_data and it can make the scripts much faster when working on larger data arrays.

I also now have a working version of the Vranic algorithm, I'll write a PR soon.

sbastrakov commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your feedback @NeilZaim .

Regarding the loading, I agree that many things are not needed in the algorithms. Unfortunately, they still need to be loaded from and written back to the file, as the structure changes with some macroparticles being deleted. Also, when macroWeighted = 1 the values need to be changed when the weight changes. However, it can be that the implementation does some more data shuffling than necessary. Could you look into that @KseniaBastrakova ?

NeilZaim commented 4 years ago

I see, thanks. (although I guess that in the general case values other than momentum, position and weight are undefined anyways when we create new particles (with Voronoi for instance)). Note that what I have currently written for the Vranic algorithm just returns position/momentum/weight, I can modify it to include other values if needed.

In any case you don't need to worry too much about further optimizing the code as far as I am concerned, what is currently here is fine for me.

NeilZaim commented 4 years ago

Actually Vranic currently crashes if we don't add the lines

if record_component_name != "momentum":

:grimacing: I'll write a fix

sbastrakov commented 4 years ago

@NeilZaim will you provide this as another commit to your PR #20 ?

NeilZaim commented 4 years ago

Yes, just pushed it