ComputationalRadiationPhysics / picongpu

Performance-Portable Particle-in-Cell Simulations for the Exascale Era :sparkles:
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Moving Window: Too Slow #1330

Closed ax3l closed 8 years ago

ax3l commented 8 years ago

@BeyondEspresso discovered that the moving window implementation is broken in terms of correctness of speed. Currently, it moves a few percent too slow due to rounding errors.

To fix this reasonably, the implementation in simulationControl/MovingWindow.hpp needs a full refactoring, is highly obfuscated, very old and needs doxygen documentation (we knew that at least). (In contrast, the wiki documents all its non-code aspects very well.)

Code Analysis

It's very old, pre-git code and we are not surprised that there will be dragons :)

PIConGPU Code Affected MovingWindow members:

getWindow is the only one that will actually update the offset members in MovingWindow, but is not triggered when actually doing the slide in simulationControl/MySimulation.hpp leaving the offsets partly outdated for some time.

PMacc code MySimulation calls then GridController::slide(...) which then implements the offset calculation again on it's own in PMacc mappings/simulation/GridController::updateLocalDomainOffset that finally also updates the SubGrid. Also, it triggers communication/CommunicatorMPI::slide... . Finally, as a special feature, the GridController and CommunicatorMPI each implement a setStateAfterSlides that can be used to restart a simulation and "emulate" the number of slides it did before (for SubGrid and CommunicatorMPI) and return true if a slide has happened for this MPI-rank.

Again, slide/setStateAfterSlides calls will perform a slide as soon as called and are collective but return only true if one was one of the GPUs that was moved from back to front.

Last word on the CommunicatorMPI: even if documented called in-code precisely, it updates only the position in the 3D grid of MPI ranks (no manipulation of cell domain information or offsets). At time of slide the exchange partners are updated. An interesting and fishy member is yoffset which is together with coords defining a virtual layer for enumerating the MPI-rank positions in the domain decomposition since the MPI_Cart_create operation is expensive and only done once at the beginning of the sim. One wants a continuously, monotonically increasing numbered space of GPU positions after slides. Its member updateCoordinates might still need a good review but is unaffected as long as slides continue to happen in y.

Proposed Refactoring


"Slide" describes the moving of a whole plane of GPUs from the back of the simulation box to the front.

Algorithm (PIConGPU Code) MovingWindow should first separate the raw algorithm on moving window offset calculation and the manipulation of members.

Raw members for algorithm:

The MovingWindow's member window should be a separate singleton as SubGrid, manipulated with the results from the previous class.

Slide Detection (PIConGPU Code)

To detect if a slide occurs after the current step (which is the connection to PMacc that controls MPI & reinit after sliding) one can simply calculate:

    // allows static load balancing in y later on
    bool isSlideAfterStep = (globalDomain.size - globalWindow.offset - globalWindow.size) == 0;

Offset and Window Size Updates

SubGrid is already there for local domain size and offset remembering and can be manipulated by all members. Window is regularly updated every time step and SubGrid only on slides.

PIConGPU now decides on a slideDirection.

PIConGPU (MySimulation) code logic at the beginning of a step:

ax3l commented 8 years ago

@psychocoderHPC for a quick fix, this is @BeyondEspresso 's diff so far:

diff --git a/src/libPMacc/include/algorithms/math/defines/floatingPoint.hpp b/src/libPMacc/include/algorithms/math/defines/floatingPoint.hpp
index 1a7813a..565420a 100644
--- a/src/libPMacc/include/algorithms/math/defines/floatingPoint.hpp
+++ b/src/libPMacc/include/algorithms/math/defines/floatingPoint.hpp
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ struct Floor;
 template<typename Type>
 struct Float2int_rd;

+template<typename Type>
+struct Fmod;

 template<typename T1>
 HDINLINE typename Floor< T1>::result floor(T1 value)
@@ -49,6 +51,12 @@ HDINLINE typename Float2int_rd< T1>::result float2int_rd(T1 value)
     return Float2int_rd< T1 > ()(value);

+template<typename T1>
+HDINLINE typename Fmod< T1>::result fmod(T1 x,T1 y)
+    return Fmod< T1 > ()(x,y);
 } //namespace math
 } //namespace algorithms
 }//namespace PMacc
diff --git a/src/libPMacc/include/algorithms/math/doubleMath/floatingPoint.tpp b/src/libPMacc/include/algorithms/math/doubleMath/floatingPoint.tpp
index 666c19e..864f4be 100644
--- a/src/libPMacc/include/algorithms/math/doubleMath/floatingPoint.tpp
+++ b/src/libPMacc/include/algorithms/math/doubleMath/floatingPoint.tpp
@@ -59,6 +59,16 @@ struct Float2int_rd<double>

+struct Fmod<double>
+    typedef double result;
+    HDINLINE result operator( )(result x, result y)
+    {
+        return ::fmod( x , y );
+    }

 } //namespace math
 } //namespace algorithms
diff --git a/src/picongpu/include/simulationControl/MovingWindow.hpp b/src/picongpu/include/simulationControl/MovingWindow.hpp
index 4902f28..ec65a73 100644
--- a/src/picongpu/include/simulationControl/MovingWindow.hpp
+++ b/src/picongpu/include/simulationControl/MovingWindow.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2013-2014 Axel Huebl, Heiko Burau, Rene Widera, Felix Schmitt
+ * Copyright 2013-2016 Axel Huebl, Heiko Burau, Rene Widera, Felix Schmitt, Alexander Debus
  * This file is part of PIConGPU.
@@ -63,20 +63,22 @@ class MovingWindow
         /* later used to calculate smoother offsets */
         double stepsInFutureAfterComma = stepsInFuture_tmp - (double) stepsInFuture;

-        /* round to nearest step so we get smaller sliding dfference
+        /* round to nearest step so we get smaller sliding difference
          * this is valid if we activate sliding window because y direction has
          * the same size for all gpus
-        const uint32_t stepsPerGPU = (uint32_t) math::floor(
-                                                            (double) (subGrid.getLocalDomain().size.y() * cell_height) / light_way_per_step + 0.5);
-        const uint32_t firstSlideStep = stepsPerGPU * devices_y - stepsInFuture;
-        const uint32_t firstMoveStep = stepsPerGPU * (devices_y - 1) - stepsInFuture;
+        const double stepsPerGPU = (double) (subGrid.getLocalDomain().size.y() * cell_height) / light_way_per_step;
+        const uint32_t firstSlideStep = (uint32_t) math::floor(   stepsPerGPU * (double) devices_y 
+                                                                - (double) stepsInFuture + 0.5           );
+        const uint32_t firstMoveStep =  (uint32_t) math::floor(   stepsPerGPU * (double) (devices_y - 1)
+                                                                - (double) stepsInFuture + 0.5           );

         if (slidingWindowActive==true && firstMoveStep <= currentStep)
-            const uint32_t stepsInLastGPU = (currentStep + stepsInFuture) % stepsPerGPU;
+            const double stepsInLastGPU = math::fmod( (double) currentStep + (double) stepsInFuture,
+                                                               stepsPerGPU );
             /* moving window start */
-            if (firstSlideStep <= currentStep && stepsInLastGPU == 0)
+            if (firstSlideStep <= currentStep && stepsInLastGPU < 1.0 )
                 if (doSlide)
@@ -86,8 +88,8 @@ class MovingWindow
             /* round to nearest cell to have smoother offset jumps */
             if (offsetFirstGPU)
-                *offsetFirstGPU = math::floor(((double) stepsInLastGPU + stepsInFutureAfterComma) *
-                                              light_way_per_step / cell_height + 0.5);
+                *offsetFirstGPU = math::floor( (stepsInLastGPU + stepsInFutureAfterComma) *
+                                                light_way_per_step / cell_height + 0.5      );
ax3l commented 8 years ago

closed with #1337 (l33t!!111elf)