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List of PIConGPU papers #3258

Open PrometheusPi opened 4 years ago

PrometheusPi commented 4 years ago

In #3223 @cbontoiu brought up the idea of providing a list of PIConGPU related publications online. @ComputationalRadiationPhysics/picongpu-developers What do you think of such a list, maintained e.g. on the ReadTheDocs page. Please vote :+1: if you agree and :-1: if you oppose such a list.

If we agree on such list, I will prepare a *.rst page.

Voting will end 2020-06-10 (in 14 days)

Anton-Le commented 4 years ago

I would add that the list should probably be structured and not just a (alphabetical) dump of all that has been written, s.t. a user that is sceptical of the performed testing/validation could easily find the publication that would pacify their misgivings (or could confidently point us to the likely problem).

PrometheusPi commented 4 years ago

@Anton-Le Good point. Considering your input, I would suggest a topic specific selection that references a chronologically ordered list. Thus paper with application in various fields as e.g. @bussmann's SC'13 paper - which has relevance in HPC, and astrophysics.

ax3l commented 4 years ago

Great idea, I would recommend to extend the list in the reference section and add alongside a recommended "recent code citation" all related topics such as developed plugins.

Suggested order for index of papers, own as well as implemented works:

I tried to add citations to some extend already in our release meta data, please take and add to these as well:

We also scatter these references over the manual already, but a dedicated page again order by topics, sub-ordered by date (newest first) and maybe with comments (e.g. "implementation aspect X is up to date/outdated") would be fantastic.

cbontoiu commented 4 years ago

I would add an item in @ax3l list dedicated to applications for those papers that don't contribute to the code but only use it to simulate various physical situations. These papers could be the first contact for unexperienced people, who are looking for a suitable code and will show what they could do with PIConGPU.

PrometheusPi commented 4 years ago

I agree with @cbontoiu. It would also be very beneficial to have a list of papers that present use cases for PIConGPU (without code contributions) that is a good reference what can be achieved with PIConGPU.

@ax3l I am against a collected list of all papers relevant to PIConGPU. Such papers should only be cited where needed. E.g. L. V. Keldysh (1965) should only be cited in the ionization page - where it is correctly cited - not in a general list. Furthermore, a list of references with general applicability is undefined since I might prefer Birdsall & Langdon while you might prefer Hockney & Eastwood - thus do we add both, none or only one?

Anton-Le commented 4 years ago

@ax3l For references that have been aggregated to this list from other documentation pages I think it would be meaningful to add a reference/note (or link) to the specific documentation pages.

In this way when looking through the aggregated list users should be able to easily find documentation pages relevant to them without trying to dig through the entire documentation.

PrometheusPi commented 4 years ago

At everyone: thanks for participating in the vote.

Everyone that contributed favors such a list. I will prepare a version and will try to include all your ideas. We can discuss details during the review process of the pull request.

cbontoiu commented 3 years ago

I don't know if here or elsewhere we could add a list of published papers from the users of PIConGPU. Here is one from myself and my group

cbontoiu commented 1 year ago

This is dedicated to you, with all my admiration for your work. I am deeply grateful for your support!

PrometheusPi commented 1 year ago

Thanks @cbontoiu for informing us. Both your papers are now included in our reference list.

PrometheusPi commented 1 year ago

Reminder to myself: need to add BA/MA thesis from 4 students

BrianMarre commented 6 months ago

@PrometheusPi an update?