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Laser definitions inconsistent #3269

Open HighIander opened 4 years ago

HighIander commented 4 years ago

The plane wave laser has a parameter called "ramp_init", in the laser.param comments it is referenced as "laser_init", which it says is twice the time of the time the laser is initialized before/after the maximum. In the gaussian laser, the parameter is correctly named "laser_init", but its definition is different: without the "twice". Its just a little inconvenience, adding to the possible confusion of newbees :-) However, I would vow to unify the meaning and names of the variables.

PrometheusPi commented 4 years ago

I agree - I was also confused today by this definition (despite being aware of it for years now) - The standard deviation is defined from the center of the pulse, but we multiply it by 0.5 before multiplying it with the init factor just as if the standard deviation would be a symmetrically defied as e.g. FWHM.

BrianMarre commented 6 months ago

@PrometheusPi is this issue still relevant in the new incidentField laser profiles?

PrometheusPi commented 2 months ago

@BrianMarre Yes this is still an open issue: RAMP_INIT is used e.g. in PlaneWave and PULSE_INIT (changed by @steindev) is used in e.g. GaussianPulse