Open weqoll opened 4 days ago
Could you please check with h5dump --contents=1 FILENAME
if the hdf5 folder structure is readable and the species named as expected. With h5dump
you can try to read the file on the terminal to check if the file is corrupted.
In many cases this happens if the file was not correctly closed during writing.
With h5dump --contents ./openPMD/simData_000005.h5
I get such error:
h5dump error: internal error (file ../../../../../tools/src/h5dump/h5dump.c:line 1430)
With h5dump --enable-error-stack ./openPMD/simData_000005.h5
I get this stack:
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.8) thread 1:
#000: ../../../src/H5O.c line 510 in H5Oget_info_by_name2(): can't get info for object: 'data/5/fields'
major: Object header
minor: Can't get value
#001: ../../../src/H5Gloc.c line 702 in H5G_loc_info(): can't find object
major: Symbol table
minor: Object not found
#002: ../../../src/H5Gtraverse.c line 832 in H5G_traverse(): internal path traversal failed
major: Symbol table
minor: Object not found
#003: ../../../src/H5Gtraverse.c line 608 in H5G__traverse_real(): traversal operator failed
major: Symbol table
minor: Callback failed
#004: ../../../src/H5Gloc.c line 660 in H5G__loc_info_cb(): can't get object info
major: Symbol table
minor: Can't get value
#005: ../../../src/H5Oint.c line 2184 in H5O_get_info(): unable to determine object class
major: Object header
minor: Can't get value
#006: ../../../src/H5Oint.c line 1765 in H5O__obj_class_real(): unable to determine object type
major: Object header
minor: Unable to initialize object
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.8) thread 1:
#000: ../../../src/H5L.c line 1292 in H5Lvisit_by_name(): link visitation failed
major: Links
minor: Iteration failed
#001: ../../../src/H5Gint.c line 1150 in H5G_visit(): can't visit links
major: Symbol table
minor: Iteration failed
#002: ../../../src/H5Gobj.c line 674 in H5G__obj_iterate(): can't iterate over symbol table
major: Symbol table
minor: Iteration failed
#003: ../../../src/H5Gstab.c line 537 in H5G__stab_iterate(): iteration operator failed
major: Symbol table
minor: Can't move to next iterator location
#004: ../../../src/H5B.c line 1195 in H5B_iterate(): B-tree iteration failed
major: B-Tree node
minor: Iteration failed
#005: ../../../src/H5B.c line 1154 in H5B__iterate_helper(): B-tree iteration failed
major: B-Tree node
minor: Iteration failed
#006: ../../../src/H5Gnode.c line 977 in H5G__node_iterate(): iteration operator failed
major: Symbol table
minor: Can't move to next iterator location
#007: ../../../src/H5Gobj.c line 674 in H5G__obj_iterate(): can't iterate over symbol table
major: Symbol table
minor: Iteration failed
#008: ../../../src/H5Gstab.c line 537 in H5G__stab_iterate(): iteration operator failed
major: Symbol table
minor: Can't move to next iterator location
#009: ../../../src/H5B.c line 1195 in H5B_iterate(): B-tree iteration failed
major: B-Tree node
minor: Iteration failed
#010: ../../../src/H5B.c line 1154 in H5B__iterate_helper(): B-tree iteration failed
major: B-Tree node
minor: Iteration failed
#011: ../../../src/H5Gnode.c line 977 in H5G__node_iterate(): iteration operator failed
major: Symbol table
minor: Can't move to next iterator location
#012: ../../../src/H5Gobj.c line 674 in H5G__obj_iterate(): can't iterate over symbol table
major: Symbol table
minor: Iteration failed
#013: ../../../src/H5Gstab.c line 537 in H5G__stab_iterate(): iteration operator failed
major: Symbol table
minor: Can't move to next iterator location
#014: ../../../src/H5B.c line 1195 in H5B_iterate(): B-tree iteration failed
major: B-Tree node
minor: Iteration failed
#015: ../../../src/H5B.c line 1154 in H5B__iterate_helper(): B-tree iteration failed
major: B-Tree node
minor: Iteration failed
#016: ../../../src/H5Gnode.c line 977 in H5G__node_iterate(): iteration operator failed
major: Symbol table
minor: Can't move to next iterator location
#017: ../../../src/H5O.c line 510 in H5Oget_info_by_name2(): can't get info for object: 'data/5/fields'
major: Object header
minor: Can't get value
#018: ../../../src/H5Gloc.c line 702 in H5G_loc_info(): can't find object
major: Symbol table
minor: Object not found
#019: ../../../src/H5Gtraverse.c line 832 in H5G_traverse(): internal path traversal failed
major: Symbol table
minor: Object not found
#020: ../../../src/H5Gtraverse.c line 608 in H5G__traverse_real(): traversal operator failed
major: Symbol table
minor: Callback failed
#021: ../../../src/H5Gloc.c line 660 in H5G__loc_info_cb(): can't get object info
major: Symbol table
minor: Can't get value
#022: ../../../src/H5Oint.c line 2184 in H5O_get_info(): unable to determine object class
major: Object header
minor: Can't get value
#023: ../../../src/H5Oint.c line 1765 in H5O__obj_class_real(): unable to determine object type
major: Object header
minor: Unable to initialize object
h5dump error: internal error (file ../../../../../tools/src/h5dump/h5dump.c:line 1430)
H5tools-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5:tools (1.10.8) thread 1:
#000: ../../../../tools/lib/h5tools_utils.c line 618 in init_objs(): finding shared objects failed
major: Failure in tools library
minor: error in function
#001: ../../../../tools/lib/h5trav.c line 1040 in h5trav_visit(): traverse failed
major: Failure in tools library
minor: error in function
#002: ../../../../tools/lib/h5trav.c line 286 in traverse(): H5Lvisit_by_name failed
major: Failure in tools library
minor: error in function
here is output for 5 steps of simulation with OPENPMD_VERBOSE=1
also, here is snippet from .cfg file:
TBG_openPMD_sp="--openPMD.period 0:60000:5 --openPMD.file simData --openPMD.ext h5 --openPMD.source species_all --openPMD.json='{\"hdf5\": {\"dataset\": {\"chunks\":\"auto\"}}}'"
Without chuncking I can't write my openPMD output with species at all
Hello everyone!
I'm trying to repeat setup with preionized foil (tilted at 45 degrees) and femtosecond pulse. Fs-pulse goes along x-axis and reflects from foil, causing some extra light radiation to generate via redistribution of electrons. Everything goes OK at the calculations phase, however there are issues with openPMD output and its formation into .h5-files.
All works fine with fields, but in the case of particles everything goes weird; Find this issue with almost standard Probe Particles setup: everything repeats your workflow documentation except for its distribution. I formed an x-line with thickness about 1-2 x-steps. So it all goes like this:
MacroParticlesCounter reports that everything is OK with probes initialization, their number is about the size of simulation area linear size. However, when I try to read probes dataset from this file with matlab function
, there goes an error:Function
gives me such warning:That's kinda weird, because when i try to write .h5 files earlier everything was ok and electrons+ions particle distributions was taken without any errors.
Could you help me with this issue? Or at least could you give me some ways to debug such issue? I've recompiled a lot of times this probe setup even with standard
density profile, but this issue's recreating over and over. Thank you!I've installed the actual PIConGPU version for November 15th at
-branch, my OS version is:density.param