ComputationalRadiationPhysics / redGrapes

Resource-based, Declarative task-Graphs for Parallel, Event-driven Scheduling :grapes:
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Comparison to JSC Eventify #27

Open ax3l opened 2 years ago

ax3l commented 2 years ago


I was talking @Z10Frank today at PASC regarding their Smilei paper for PASC22:

We were talking about planned expansions to include MPI.

I showed him redGrapes here and he mentioned they experimented with Eventify:

Biggest challenges in eventify, which we should add to our feature comparison:

Z10Frank commented 2 years ago

A small correction: it's not necessary to generate OpenMP tasks from those of another task system for the purpose of my project: one can simply generate the tasks only with that task system.

The challenging part is to make this work inside a parallel region of OpenMP, or to make it compatible with #pragma omp simd directives inside the tasks of the task system, or to support parallelized loops (elsewhere in the code) with classic #pragma omp for. This is to avoid to rewrite from scratch a code which has a non-negligible OpenMP part already implemented.