ComputeCanada / software-stack

Repository to host issues relative to the Compute Canada software stack
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Changing default version of Python from 3.8 to 3.10 #118

Closed mboisson closed 1 year ago

mboisson commented 1 year ago

Aiming to do it by early April 2023.

Things to do

mboisson commented 1 year ago

436 modules have python bindings that do not include python/3.10:

$ grep -r "Compatible modules" /cvmfs/ | grep python | grep -v "python/3.10\|.bak_" | cut -d':' -f1 | wc
    436     436   40525

These correspond to 277 software (including multiple architecture builds):

$ for f in $(grep -r "Compatible modules" /cvmfs/ | grep python | grep -v "python/3.10\|.bak_" | cut -d':' -f1); do dirname $f; done | sort -u | wc
    277     277   22976

121 of those are for avx2:

$ for f in $(grep -r "Compatible modules" /cvmfs/ | grep python | grep -v "python/3.10\|.bak_" | cut -d':' -f1); do dirname $f; done | sort -u | grep "/avx2/" | wc
    121     121   10026

By software name, it is 63 pieces of software:

 for d in $(for f in $(grep -r "Compatible modules" /cvmfs/ | grep python | grep -v "python/3.10\|.bak_" | cut -d':' -f1); do dirname $f; done | sort -u); do basename $d; done | sort -u | tr '\n' ' '

arrayfire arrow autodiff blender boost boost-core boost-mpi bullet cantera eccodes esmf faiss gdal geos graph-tool gudhi hdf5 hdf5-mpi igraph ipykernel itk mariadb meep minimap2 mpi4py neuron nlopt ogre openbabel openbabel-omp opencv openmm openmm-alphafold openmm-plumed paraview paraview-offscreen paraview-offscreen-gpu petsc plplot plumed portaudio postgresql proj psi4 pyne pytest python-build-bundle qgis qscintilla qt quast rdkit scipy-stack slepc sumo symengine thrift trilinos triqs viennarna vtk vtk-mpi wxwidgets

[mboisson@build-node ~]$ for d in $(for f in $(grep -r "Compatible modules" /cvmfs/ | grep python | grep -v "python/3.10\|.bak_" | cut -d':' -f1); do dirname $f; done | sort -u); do basename $d; done | sort -u | wc
     63      63     524

Comparatively, we have 40 software packages with at least one version which supports python/3.10:

$ for d in $(for f in $(grep -r "Compatible modules" /cvmfs/ | grep python | grep "python/3.10" | cut -d':' -f1); do dirname $f; done | sort -u); do basename $d; done | sort -u | tr '\n' ' '
arrow boost clang cuquantum cython eccodes fmm3d gdal graph-tool hdf5 hdf5-mpi hoomd-blue hoomd-blue-mpi igraph ipykernel mpi4py mujoco netcdf netcdf-mpi oldest-supported-numpy opencv pairix parasail petsc petsc-64bits petsc-pardiso petsc-pardiso-64bits plumed postgresql proj pytest python-build-bundle reframe scipy-stack symengine thrift trilinos triqs vtk xtb [mboisson@build-node ~]$ for d in $(for f in $(grep -r "Compatible modules" /cvmfs/ | grep python | grep "python/3.10" | cut -d':' -f1); do dirname $f; done | sort -u); do basename $d; done | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ' | wc
      0      40     364
mboisson commented 1 year ago

Excluding the intersection of these two lists, we have the following packages which do not have a single version which supports python 3.10:

ofisette commented 1 year ago

GEOS no longer packages its own Python bindings and PyGEOS is no longer updated. Shapely is the recommended Python GEOS interface now, and we have up-to-date wheels that include Python 3.10 support. See and links therein.

mboisson commented 1 year ago

GEOS no longer packages its own Python bindings and PyGEOS is no longer updated. Shapely is the recommended Python GEOS interface now, and we have up-to-date wheels that include Python 3.10 support. See and links therein.

ah, so no need for GEOS having python bindings then.

ccoulombe commented 1 year ago

Neuron will be, once patched. OpenMM and OpenMM-alphafold is in my todo for Alphafold, now that Alphafold can use any version of OpenMM, the OpenMM-Alphafold module will no longer be required

ofisette commented 1 year ago

Python 3.10 support was added to Qt in 5.15.5, which we currently do not have installed. After Qt and QScintilla are updated, I can update QGIS and add support for Python 3.10.

mboisson commented 1 year ago

@ofisette, Qt5 5.15.8 and QScintilla 2.11.6 now support Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.

mboisson commented 1 year ago

Neuron and Openmm-Plumed should not be blockers