Computer-Engineer-Man / cdda-mana-cores

Mana Cores mod for Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
MIT License
8 stars 6 forks source link

Error regarding mana_multiplier #7

Open m0shmall0w opened 4 months ago

m0shmall0w commented 4 months ago

I get this error when i try to load the game. It doesnt stop me from playing but i believe it stops the mana multiplication from working

DEBUG : (json-error) Json error: C:/Users/gamer/OneDrive/Documents/Catapult CDDA/dda/userdata/mods/Mana-Cores/traits.json:12:21: Invalid or misplaced field name "mana_multiplier" in JSON data

    "player_display": true,
    "active": true,
"mana_multiplier": 1, ▲▲▲ "enchantments": [ "MANACORE1_BUFF" ], "spells_learned": [ [ "generate_mana", 1 ] ], FUNCTION : error_skipped_members FILE : D:\a\Cataclysm-DDA\Cataclysm-DDA\src\flexbuffer_json.cpp LINE : 347 VERSION : 449edb2 ****
rty275 commented 3 months ago

I've got a PR open that fixes this, no idea when/if it'll be merged but you can steal the files from that and it'll work just fine.