ComputerAidedLL / click-and-collect

A web interactive tool for building proofs in the sequent calculus of Linear Logic, with its backend written in OCaml
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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compilation error #114

Closed lionelvaux closed 3 years ago

lionelvaux commented 3 years ago


Compiling fails at this step:

eliomc -ppx -c -package lwt_ppx -package js_of_ocaml-ppx_deriving_json -package yojson -package base64 -package lzma
File "", line 2, characters 22-36:
2 |     let raw_sequent = Ll_parser.main Ll_lexer.token (Lexing.from_string sequent_as_string) in
Error: Unbound module Ll_parser
make: *** [Makefile:178: _server/parse_sequent.cmo] Error 2

I have absolutely no experience of compiling big ocaml projects, let alone eliom/ocsigen, so I have no clue.

olaure01 commented 3 years ago

If I remember well you could try something like:

mv click_and_collect.eliom click_and_collect.tmp
mv click_and_collect.tmp click_and_collect.eliom

to avoid this kind of problem.

lionelvaux commented 3 years ago

In fact the issue was that ll_parser.mli and were missing because the Makefile does not run ocamlyacc to generate them (nor ocamllex on ll_lexer.mll). I guess the Makefile needs to be fixed.

olaure01 commented 3 years ago

But these files are part of the repo apparently?

lionelvaux commented 3 years ago

You are perfectly right. I have no idea at what stage these were removed from my working tree. Sorry for the noise. (But now it seems strange to include generated files in the repo.)

lionelvaux commented 3 years ago

I could not trace the steps that led me to that inconsistent state, so I believe the problem was on my side only and close the issue.