Hi, came across your repo through a google search for hexchat plugins to deal with the horrible display that a relay bot creates.
<m-relay> <username:monero.social> Dang well thanks for LMK
So here, the m-relay appears as the username. And then in the message is contains the username of the person creating the message, and then the source from where it came from. In this case, the user is username and the server is monero.social (a matrix server).
An IRC chat filled with this syntax is eyebreaking. I'm curious if you know how to create a plugin that would address this.
Basically, the plugin would take the above and turn it into:
<username> Dang well thanks for LMK
So it looks like a normal IRC message.
i imagine it could have options, like specifying the syntax that the relay bot uses. And the potential to have to deal with multiple relay bots with different syntax. syntaxes? syntaxii?
Hi, came across your repo through a google search for hexchat plugins to deal with the horrible display that a relay bot creates.
So here, the m-relay appears as the username. And then in the message is contains the username of the person creating the message, and then the source from where it came from. In this case, the user is username and the server is monero.social (a matrix server).
An IRC chat filled with this syntax is eyebreaking. I'm curious if you know how to create a plugin that would address this.
Basically, the plugin would take the above and turn it into:
So it looks like a normal IRC message.
i imagine it could have options, like specifying the syntax that the relay bot uses. And the potential to have to deal with multiple relay bots with different syntax. syntaxes? syntaxii?