Closed BastianBalthasarBux closed 9 years ago
Ok, I investigated a bit more. It is really funny. The click on the burger is not registered anymore. Although the correct link is in place. If I tap very long on the burger, it opens up the window 'open link in new tab' etc. the correct anchor is displayed. I crosstested by changing the href="#" to something else. so it is not a positioning problem or similar. As soon as I put in some text for the label, it works. But just on the label, not on the burger-icon. Astonishing, or better: weird ...
All these findings just concern the Firefox 42 on Android. On chrome and opera on the same devices it works as expected!
I can confirm this problem.
Slicknav desn''t open the menu on Firefox Mobile 42. I can confirm that works with Chrome Mobile 46.
I tested also the demos of your website and they don't work either.
Weird, with Firefox 42.0.2 (Update from 2015-12-02) it started working again, with and without the sizing changes! So they do no harm, and maybe it is a good idea to keep them in anyway. Thanks a lot!
The Menu-Button is not touch-sensitive anymore. Worked before. Also on not working, therefore most likely not an integration error.