ComradOrg / Comrad

A socialist network: encrypted, insurveillable, unmontizeable, and self-governing. App is written in Python. (Calling all socialist programmers for help!)
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Re-add image support: avatars and images attached to posts #25

Open marxzuckerburg opened 3 years ago

marxzuckerburg commented 3 years ago
quadrismegistus commented 3 years ago

I now have avatar uploading working locally: i.e. you can upload your own new avatar to your device, and the app will show that profile picture.

We still don't have "meeting" contacts: I'l work on that now. The process of "meeting" could send an avatar with it. Is this a good solution? Not sure. It avoids saving any avatar on server, which keeps the information we're saving about each user down to a minimum -- just the name and public key. But I have a feeling we may need to expand this eventually...

But it means that accounts you haven't "met" will not show their avatars (probably ok); and that if you change your avatar, even people you've "met" won't know about it. I suppose you could send it out to everyone you know, but that would be a lot of encryption and a lot of data transfer...

quadrismegistus commented 3 years ago

Still to do on avatar, actually:

quadrismegistus commented 3 years ago

Avatars now uploadable locally and shareable during meeting process. Images in posts still not done