ComradOrg / Comrad

A socialist network: encrypted, insurveillable, unmontizeable, and self-governing. App is written in Python. (Calling all socialist programmers for help!)
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Conceptual Issue: Is the letter "K" too problematic? Thoughts on name of app? #30

Closed marxzuckerburg closed 3 years ago

marxzuckerburg commented 3 years ago

I mean... do people like the name? We could also try "comrad" or something...

gary-host-laptop commented 3 years ago

Do you mean problematic because of associations with certain racist groups? If that's so, I don't think so. Another name may be an option, too, not saying I don't like Komrade, just that it's an option.

marxzuckerburg commented 3 years ago

Yeah, that's what I meant. And I agree that another name is still possible: "komrade" was just available as a domain name, lol.

gary-host-laptop commented 3 years ago

I think that a name change should be first be considered as a whole transformation to the aesthetics of the project, like the use_your_imagination user commented, everything has like a post-ironic cold war vibe, and the name adds to that. Would the name change move towards something more serious? Would it move to a more "modern" aspect?

marxzuckerburg commented 3 years ago

I like the playfulness of it so far: it reminds you that nobody's making money off of this, lol. But that's just me, and I'm not sure how other people feel and how best to frame it all. Half the people on r/privacy post comments hated the name and design, half loved it. I don't mind turning non-comrades away, but we don't want to turn comrades away, either.

marxzuckerburg commented 3 years ago

As an example of what I mean, here's a kinda weird message I got from a friend of mine:

btw i tried to download your social network (cool idea) and didn’t work bc of shell command issues. i think it has something to do with the fact that you named your app comrade-with-k. fascistic plus misogynist overtones but hard coding sensibility = exclusionary.

marxzuckerburg commented 3 years ago

What about "comrad"? "" is available. (Update: I just bought it, just in case.) "Com" is kinda cute how it's both communication, a "com" channel, as well as camaraderie and "comrade". "rad" is kinda dumb though: "rad" was silly 90s way to say "cool".

Here's a poll to start thinking about it? Should we post this somewhere?

marxzuckerburg commented 3 years ago

More and more I'm liking Comrad. "Com"munication, "rad"ical communication, avoids "k", simple, ...

quadrismegistus commented 3 years ago

Ok, we're gonna try out Comrad for now (this was also discussed on the Matrix chatroom), but we can always change the name over again. Closing issue for now