ComradOrg / Comrad

A socialist network: encrypted, insurveillable, unmontizeable, and self-governing. App is written in Python. (Calling all socialist programmers for help!)
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Conceptual Issue: Bots? #39

Open marxzuckerburg opened 3 years ago

marxzuckerburg commented 3 years ago

As is, it's extremely easy to make a bot. Part of it is owing to the fact that currently you can easily create multiple accounts. Also because the API is directly accessible:

1) Initialize

source ~/comrad/code/bin/comrad-activate
cd ~/comrad/code
export COMRAD_SHOW_LOG=0    # (optional) to hide log output from screen

2) Use with python

# boot
from comrad import *
bot = Comrad('marxbot99')

# register

# post'Hello world')

# msg
bot2 = Comrad('zuckbot66')
bot.msg(bot2, 'hello fellow bot')

# refresh data

# read posts
for post in bot.posts():
    # print nicely formatted    

    # print data dictionary

# read DMs
for message in bot.messages():
    # print nicely formatted    

    # print data dictionary

Do we want to disallow this way of interacting with the API? (I'm not sure we actually could, in any watertight way at least.) I kind of like the idea of leaving it open for people to play with. And then, some bots are good citizens and could be good comrads.

But there are of course dangers to bots. They can be used to abuse or attack people or groups. We don't want people raising bot armies here...

What do you guys think?