ComradOrg / Comrad

A socialist network: encrypted, insurveillable, unmontizeable, and self-governing. App is written in Python. (Calling all socialist programmers for help!)
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Conceptual Issue: Liking? Up/downvoting? "Retweeting"? #42

Open quadrismegistus opened 3 years ago

quadrismegistus commented 3 years ago

Which you can best imagine for the platform?

I think there are a few axes to consider:

  1. Anonymity

    • Likes are generally non-anonymous (you can see who liked your post); up/down votes are generally anonymous.
    • There are some safety concerns here.
      • If non-anonymous, then if I continue to like the posts of my friends, it could become obvious to an external observer what my individual social network looks like, and therefore maybe even who I am -- even though I might not have chosen to associate or link my account on Comrad in any way to my other IRL or online identities.
      • If anonymous, these social networks might be obscured, but at the cost of a key feature of (a lot of) social networks: giving little cookies of affection and approval to people you follow.
  2. Liking vs. voting

    • Does this question really just turn on whether downvoting is incorporated? Is "like" just a non-anonymous upvote?
    • Downvoting?
      • Do we want this negativity?
      • Would it actually be useful for moderation purposes?
      • What are downsides or possibilities for abuse?
  3. Reposting?

    • Amplifying a post in some sense or other -- amplifying a post you like -- seems crucial.
      • That kind of amplification could be just a like or upvote (indirect effect).
      • Or it could be a more direct reblogging (retweeting, etc) of the content, in which you kind of claim or identify with it to the extent that you want to repeat it or echo it itself.
    • Reposting might also reveal individuals' social networks in problematic ways.

Thoughts? Anything else to consider?