ConEmu / old-issues

Old issues for ConEmu project (import is pending)
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cmd.exe in adminstrator mode are not automatically attached to ConEmu #1124

Closed ConEmu closed 9 years ago

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on June 27, 2013 00:12:31

Required information! OS version: Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit, SP1, German ConEmu version: ConEmu 130625 [64] Bug description If I enable the option "Features/Integration/Force ConEmu as default terminal" ConEmu automatically attaches all normal (non-admin) cmd.exe processes that are launched by explorer.exe (e.g. in the start menu). But if I launch cmd.exe in start menu as administrator by pressing SHIFT+CTRL+ENTER the console isn't attached to ConEmu automatically. Steps to reproduction 1. Configure ConEmu as shown in the screenshot.

  1. Launch cmd.exe by pressing SHIFT+CTRL+ENTER in the startmenu.
  2. cmd.exe window isn't attached to ConEmu as expected.

Attachment: Screenshot.png

Original issue:

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on June 27, 2013 00:19:48

Wow, have not know about that keycombo :D

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on June 27, 2013 00:24:40


ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on June 27, 2013 00:46:38

Can this be fixed or is it by design?

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on June 27, 2013 00:52:55

Status: Accepted

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 18, 2013 02:38:32

FYI: I just verified that this issue is still there in version 130917[64].

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 18, 2013 02:41:16

Is there any trick that can be used as tempory workaround?

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 18, 2013 10:44:09

Can you reproduce that issue?

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 18, 2013 14:58:00


ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 19, 2013 00:30:29

The newest alpha (130918) doesn't work as expected:

  1. New cmd.exe started in admin mode from other tools (like DOpus) are not embedded.
  2. New cmd.exe started from startmenu are embedded but get a strange tab title.

Attachment: Screenshot.png

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 19, 2013 00:37:20

BTW: It would be nice to let the user enable admin shield icon as well as admin suffix for admin tabs (currently you can only enable one of two but not both).

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 19, 2013 00:38:50

Have a look to the title of the last screenshot ... it shows the quotation mark problem too.

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 19, 2013 00:47:21

New cmd.exe started in admin mode from other tools (like DOpus) are not embedded. What do you mean?

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 19, 2013 01:03:21

DOpus is a file manager that is registered in the list of hooked executables. DOpus starts cmd.exe either in normal or in admin mode. If DOpus starts cmd.exe in admin mode it is attached very well if ConEmu is alread opened but not if ConEmu isn't running (only conhost ist running). In this case ConEmu pops up and is hidden immediately, in other words you don't see the cmd.exe (in admnin mode) at all. You have to launch a normal cmd.exe to see both cmd.exe attached in ConEmu .

See the attached screenshot, I did the following:

  1. Exit ConEmu 2. Launch cmd.exe in admin mode from within DOpus
  2. ConEmu pops up for a second but disappears immediately
  3. Neither ConEmu nor cmd.exe is shown
  4. Launch cmd.exe in normal mode from within DOpus
  5. ConEmu pops up and shows both consoles (this it the timepoint I took the screenshot).
ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 19, 2013 01:04:28

Here is the correct screenshot.

Attachment: Screenshot.png

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 19, 2013 01:04:50

And here are the settings.

Attachment: Settings.png

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 19, 2013 01:05:14

BTW: The title becomes stranger and stranger. :-)

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 19, 2013 01:10:04

Ah ok, here are further details:

The description above does only apply if ConEmu is sent to the TSA (not appearing cmd.exe because ConEmu is minimized to the TSA). If ConEmu is actually closed (not shown in the TSA) new cmd.exe in admin mode (launched from DOpus) are not attached to ConEmu at all. But if ConEmu window is shown these cmd.exe in admin mode (launched from DOpus) are attached as expected.

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 19, 2013 01:11:48

Same applies to the first cmd.exe if launched in admin mode from startmenu. This isn't attached as well.

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 19, 2013 01:18:35

So here is the summary:

  1. If ConEmu is not running, a cmd.exe started in admnin mode isn't attached.
  2. If ConEmu is running and shown, a cmd.exe started in admin mode is attached as expected.
  3. If ConEmu is running but minimized, automatically attaching a cmd.exe in admin mode doesn't bring ConEmu to the front.
ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 19, 2013 02:17:33

Here is my conemu.xml of the newest alpha. Just load it, close ConEmu and launch cmd.exe in admin mode via startmenu (CTRL+SHIFT) and the cmd.exe won't be attached (at least on my system).

Attachment: ConEmu.xml

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 25, 2013 04:59:06

Have you already had success to reproduce this or do you need further details?

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on September 25, 2013 05:24:12

Issue is full ;-) no more details needed, work is pending

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on April 08, 2014 10:06:02

Labels: DefTerm

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on April 08, 2014 10:06:48

Issue 1543 has been merged into this issue.

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on April 30, 2014 02:08:39

I just verified, that this problem occurs in 140429 as well. If ConEmu isn't running an elevated cmd.exe won't be catched (certainly the hook is enabled). But if ConEmu is already running (catched a normal cmd.exe before) everything is fine and all elevated cmd.exe will be catched as expected.

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on June 12, 2014 19:31:05


Status: Fixed

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on June 13, 2014 01:18:04

Unfortunately I can't get the admin consoles be docked at all (doesn't matter whether ConEmu is running or not). I also performed a reboot after updating to the newest version. I launched cmd.exe by Windows startmenu as well as by DOpus.

Attachment: Screenshot.png

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on June 13, 2014 03:01:41

Status: New

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on June 15, 2014 13:07:54


ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on June 16, 2014 05:19:21

Now it works partially.

There are still some cases ConEmu doesn't catch the consoles. I recorded a short (4 min) video clip showing you an end-to-end installation & configuration on a fresh Win7 system. Here is a list of some situations (shown in the video) ConEmu doesn't catch the consoles as expected:

  1. ConEmu is not not the screen and cmd.exe started in admin mode by start-menu (holding CTRL+SHIFT).
  2. ConEmu doesn't achieve to catch a cmd.exe in admin mode if launched by DOpus at all.
  3. ConEmu in normal mode is catched fine if launched by DOpus.

Overall it looks as ConEmu has problems catching a cmd.exe in admin mode if this console is the first one (no ConEmu is on the screen).

After having a look to the video you will see that it's pretty easy to install DOpus to reproduce it on your own system.

Here is the download link:

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on July 08, 2014 07:33:15

I have exactly the same problem here. The admin consoles (launched by start/run) are not catched if the ConEmu window is not already opened. If the admin console is started by DOpus it won't be catched at all.

I would be really happy to get a fix for this, because I love ConEmu and this issue is a real blocker for productivity (since the admin consoles always pop up with tiny fonts).

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on July 17, 2014 03:45:41

Up to now it seems to work everything since 140707!

You made my day! Thank you so much!

ConEmu commented 9 years ago

From on July 17, 2014 04:49:59

Status: Fixed