ConSol-Monitoring / snclient

SNClient+ - Cross platform monitoring agent
MIT License
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Support for Passive Montitoring #36

Open wcs-bjogus opened 1 year ago

wcs-bjogus commented 1 year ago

With NSClient++ you could create internal schedulers.

This seems to currently be missing from snclient.

When running a passive setup where the agent has an internal schedule and pushes the results to a naemon/nagios that uses freshness on the configured checks/services support for some internal scheduler would be amazing!

Extra points if it works with the current nsclient++ config 👍

sni commented 1 year ago

Right now this is not on the roadmap. But i'll happily review any PR if somebody wants to look into this.

SNapier commented 3 months ago

I was able to script around this and create an active/passive environment that used a single active command to execute an external script and receive the passive data via NRDP more akin to an echo than a scheduled broadcast of a passive signal.

I have an example available using the windows ssh enabled proxy plugin released by Nagios.

Pulling the Powershell from the wrapper you can see it's creating a payload and then forwarding the data to NRDP. With this scenario you can still enable and configure freshness checks on your deployed passive services as they function no different in NagiosXI than before.

One added benefit is that you gain the ability to set the requesting service as the parent of all the passive services deployed so when you have an issue or situational outage your monitoring engine can help absorb some of the alert storm without putting added pressure on your upstream notification systems.