ConSol-Monitoring / snclient

SNClient+ - Cross platform monitoring agent
MIT License
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Clarify which OS is really supported #48

Closed BenoitPoulet closed 1 year ago

BenoitPoulet commented 1 year ago


Can you specify on the documentation which OS is really supported ?

I tried to to install the .deb packages on : Debian 5 - failed Debian 6 - failed Debian 7 - failed Debian 8 - failed Debian 9 - failed Debian 10 - failed Debian 11 - failed

# dpkg -i snclient-0.08-linux-amd64.deb
dpkg-deb: error: archive 'snclient-0.08-linux-amd64.deb' uses unknown compression for member 'control.tar.zst', giving up
dpkg: error processing archive snclient-0.08-linux-amd64.deb (--install):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

I think the question is the same for RPM on Linux and Windows (I tried on 2019, it works)

Thanks. Regards.

RincewindsHat commented 1 year ago

as the error message suggests this seems to be a problem of the compression of the archives in the package, so a problem of packaging, not of the contents of the package. The default compression changed "recentlyish" to zst.

BenoitPoulet commented 1 year ago


So we have 2 points here

sni commented 1 year ago

right now there is no such list, simply because i didn't have time for it. So at the moment we support whatever our customers need, which are mainly newer linux/windows systems like centos 7, debian 11, windows 10 and newer. The agent should probably run on those older systems, but the packaging won't work. Also i haven't added anything except systemd and windows service integration for now. In case the binary does not work, you have to rebuild it manually as described in

In case you want to dig into this, i am happy to accept pull requests which make the packing more backward compatible.

BenoitPoulet commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your answer. I close.

sni commented 1 year ago

Just a heads up here, the reason for the issue with the debian packages is, that the github action currently builds the debian packages on debian 12, which uses zst as default compression. Unfortunately this algorithm is not available before debian 12. So i changed this to use xz with 15d3b49. No i am able to install the .deb package on debian 8 and newer. Debian 8 is the oldest debian i have access to, so it might work on older ones but i cannot test this. However, the issue with systemd remains. Right now, there is no init script shipped with the .deb. Helping hands are welcome for this.

sni commented 1 year ago

Also started a page here: to list known working systems.