Send the results optionally also on a case/step basis.
Change proposals:
class TestCase
old usage:
var testCase = new TestCase(20,30[, path]);
new usage:
var testCase = new TestCase(["custom-caseId", 20,30, "optional-image-path"]);
the first parameter can overwrite the case id derived from the case folder name
parameter 2 and 3 specify the warning/critical threshold
parameter path will be deprecated => use TestCase.addImagePaths(imagePaths) instead to overwrite the default image search path
method endOfStep
old usage:
TestCase.endOfStep("foo", 10);
new usage:
TestCase.endOfStep("foo", 10,[ 20, true]);
add a critical threshold parameter (keep compatibility to warning-only definitions!)
add a forward flag which sends the step result to forwarder. For monitoring forwarders the following object names are used:
hostname: (taken from forwarder definition)
_servicedescription: ${}_${}_${}
method saveResult()
old usage:
new usage:
add a forward flag which sends the case result to forwarder. The case execution will stop afterwards. For monitoring forwarders the following object names are used:
hostname: (taken from forwarder definition)
_servicedescription: ${}_${} (as defined by case folder name or TestCase object initialization, see above)
:warning: General note: Rhino script currently DON'T support named parameter like ES2015 Script does. Something like testCase.endOfStep({stepName: "Calculation", optForward: true}); is not possible :cry:
Send the results optionally also on a case/step basis. Change proposals:
class TestCase old usage:
new usage:
will be deprecated => useTestCase.addImagePaths(imagePaths)
instead to overwrite the default image search pathmethod endOfStep old usage:
new usage:
method saveResult() old usage:
new usage:
(as defined by case folder name or TestCase object initialization, see above):warning: General note: Rhino script currently DON'T support named parameter like ES2015 Script does. Something like
testCase.endOfStep({stepName: "Calculation", optForward: true});
is not possible :cry: