ConX / dokuwiki-plugin-authorstats

Dokuwiki plugin that outputs statistics about the wiki's authors.
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Implement option for DokuWiki formatted table? #27

Closed r0ckarong closed 2 years ago

r0ckarong commented 9 years ago

I would love to be able to sort the generated table for the various columns. The easiest way to achieve this would be to somehow generate the table in native DokuWiki syntax and wrapping it in the "sortablejs" plugin ( I've done this for other tables that I've assembled from page includes. Since authorstats generates a non-native format table the other plugin does not recognize the table and you can not sort.

Can you give us a flag e.g. <AUTHORSTATS NATIVE> that outputs this as a regular DokuWiki table and not with the class "authorstats-table"?

LeDistordu commented 9 years ago


ConX commented 2 years ago

I tested out the comment that was left plugin's DokuWiki page which suggest wrapping the table with <sortable> and it worked:

<sortable  1=alpha 2=numeric  3=numeric 4=numeric 5=numeric 6=numeric 7=numeric>