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Ferdinand von Mueller's correspondence upconversion from MS Word to TEI XML
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Indents showing as outdents #55

Open LucasHorseshoeBend opened 2 years ago

LucasHorseshoeBend commented 2 years ago

I have noticed in a couple of places that indents in paragraphs, in both the letter style and footnotes, are showing without the indent, and indeed may be out-dented. See, for example of the effect in the letter style, letters/1860-9/1863/63-00-00-final.xml

I can't quickly find an example with the effect in the footnotes, but I'll let you know when I find one.


LucasHorseshoeBend commented 1 year ago

This is still a problem in XProc

I can't put a word file here as .doc This is what happens when I try to put in a .docx version; The formatting at risk is lost when pasted in Items 1 and 2 were supposed to have text under line one in each case indented as far as in item 3 which is a separate paragraph with the content produced by a tab

63.00.00 From Alexander Braun Library, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne.

Herrn Dr Ferd. Müller Director des bot. Gartens in Melbourne von A. Braun

mit der freundlichen Bitte zu vergleichen

  1. In Beziehung auf die Befruchtung von Vaucheria: Pringsheim, Nachtrag zur Kritik und Geschichte der Unterzuchungen über das Algengeschlecht (Jahrbücher für wissensch. Bot. II. 1860. p. 470) Schenk, zur Kenntniss der geschlechtlichen Fortplanz des Gattung Vaucheria (Würzburger naturwissensch. Zeitsch. II Band S. 201. 1862)
  2. In Beziehung auf die vermeintliche Befruchtung bei Caenogonium Schwendener, über die Entwicklung der Apothecien von Caenogonium (Flora 1862 no. 15. p. 225. Nylander, expositio synoptica generi Caenogonii in bot. Zeit. 1862 no 23 p. 176 und: quelques observations sur le genre Caenogonium in den Annales des Sc nat. 4me Serie Tome 16 p. 83.
  3. In Beziehung auf das Vorkommen eines Staubgefässer bei Caelebogyne ilicifolia Index sem. hort. bot. Berolinensis 1861. appendix p. 14.

This is a trivial example, but there are others which I will look for later that are more important, especially in footnotes. But the way footnotes are presented in XProc might have different effects.

LucasHorseshoeBend commented 1 year ago

I have now found a more serious example in the footnotes of M64-02-22, where indents were used to indicate long quotes. In note 5 the paragraphs beginning with "such permission...; "The intention of a Foreign... are indented. The way these paragraphs are introduced perhaps indicates what is quoted. But in note 9 the first quotation is two paragraphs, although once again the nature of the note is probably sufficient for a careful reader. But I am not confident that that will always be the case.

If the files with indents can be easily identified as a Feature in the XTF, and there are not too many, I could amend them editorially.