Conal-Tuohy / jEdit-TEIPlugin

A plugin for the jEdit editor to help support text encoding
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Ergonomy for XML Insert #14

Open MarjorieBurghart opened 4 years ago

MarjorieBurghart commented 4 years ago

When opening the XML Insert panel with Ctrl + E, one has to scroll down (sometimes a lot) to find the desired element, in the "Elements allowed at caret" panel, and then the only way to select the element one wants to insert is to click on it: image

There are several ergonomy issues:

A solution could be to place the focus, after CTRL + E, on the "Elements allowed at caret" list, allowing to go directly to elements beginning with a certain letter by typing this letter, then using the arrows to go up and down, then enter to select the desired element, which would bring back the focus to the insertion point in the file / buffer.

Alternatively, something like what we have when we just write a new tag name in the file would be perfect: when you type < the list contains all possible tags, and the list is reduced as you type new letters (here "<ca..."). image

But in this case, the element should wrap a selected passage of text