Conal-Tuohy / swinburne

Algernon Charles Swinburne website
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xinclusion of -md.xml files brings in a bogus sourceDesc #3

Closed Conal-Tuohy closed 3 years ago

Conal-Tuohy commented 4 years ago

e.g. acs0000001-01-i000.xml contains this xinclude:

<xi:include href="metadata/acs0000001-01-i000-md.xml"
   xpointer="xmlns(tei= xpath(/tei:TEI/tei:teiHeader/tei:fileDesc/*)">
   <xi:fallback>inclusion of fileDesc from metadata/acs0000001-01-i000-md.xml failed</xi:fallback>

... but this includes the following fileDesc/sourceDesc:

    <p>This TEI/XML document is the original source.</p>
Conal-Tuohy commented 3 years ago

closed since this is the same as issue #7 which is now also closed