ConesaLab / SQANTI3

Tool for the Quality Control of Long-Read Defined Transcriptomes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Performing Classification of Isoforms KeyError: 715 #91

Closed manuelsmendoza closed 2 years ago

manuelsmendoza commented 3 years ago


I'm trying to use sqanti3 to classify the transcripts sequenced from a non-model marine organism. I've clustered the pacbio reads using the isoseq3 pipeline described in the github repo of pacbio.

I only have the genome (GCA_905397895.1_MEDL1_genomic.fna) of the organisms and its annotation (GCA_905397895.1_MEDL1_genomic.gtf) as previous information and the header of my pb reads are different default so i used the --force_id_ignore option and --fasta.

I run it as follow: --force_id_ignore --fasta --cpus 12 --output CTR-04 --dir $PWD --short_reads reads.fofn ../reads/pacbio/CTR-04.polished.hq.fasta ../geno_ref/GCA_905397895.1_MEDL1_genomic.gtf ../geno_ref/GCA_905397895.1_MEDL1_genomic.fna

I started running ok but after a time it crash reporting the following error:

**** Performing Classification of Isoforms....
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/mnt/netapp1/Store_uvibgmsm/.conda/envs/sqanti3/bin/", line 2500, in <module>
  File "/mnt/netapp1/Store_uvibgmsm/.conda/envs/sqanti3/bin/", line 2483, in main
  File "/mnt/netapp1/Store_uvibgmsm/.conda/envs/sqanti3/bin/", line 1893, in run
    isoforms_info, ratio_TSS_dict = isoformClassification(args, isoforms_by_chr, refs_1exon_by_chr, refs_exons_by_chr, junctions_by_chr, junctions_by_gene, start_ends_by_gene, genome_dict, indelsJunc, orfDict, corrGTF)
  File "/mnt/netapp1/Store_uvibgmsm/.conda/envs/sqanti3/bin/", line 1725, in isoformClassification
    isoform_hit.CDS_genomic_start = m[isoform_hit.CDS_start-1] + 1  # make it 1-based
KeyError: 715
SidG13 commented 3 years ago

I'm also getting a KeyError at the same point running the same options (--force_id_ignore and --fasta) with SQANTI3 v.4.2.

FJPardoPalacios commented 3 years ago


That's a weird error... Would it be possible that you obtained some coding exons of 1bp long after mapping your reads with SQANTI3? For checking this, please, do:

awk '{if ($4==$5) print $0}' <obtained_corrected.gtf>

If you get some exons with the same start and end position, check if they are coding with a grep of the transcript ID on the also obtained *_corrected.faa. If that's the case, that is what is causing the problem. You might want to try a different mapper...

Besides that, I realized that you are using *polished.hq.fasta. Even though these reads are polished, they are still reads, not transcript models. In order to collapse your reads into transcript-models, I suggest you to use cDNA Cupcake or TAMA, and then, use SQANTI3.


SidG13 commented 3 years ago

Hi Francisco, thanks for the reply.

I had the same error so am replying here (but let me know if I should open a new Issue for this). You are correct that the there are coding exons with the same start and end position.

I tried to use ulTRA instead of minimap2 and got the error:

****Aligning reads with uLTRA...
creating /home/lab/Desktop/Sid//SQANTI3_test/SQANTI_out/uLTRA_out/
/home/lab/miniconda2/envs/SQANTI3.env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gffutils/ UserWarning: It appears you have a transcript feature in your GTF file. You may want to use the `disable_infer_transcripts=True` option to speed up database creation
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/lab/miniconda2/envs/SQANTI3.env/bin/uLTRA", line 722, in <module>
    prep_splicing(args, refs_lengths)
  File "/home/lab/miniconda2/envs/SQANTI3.env/bin/uLTRA", line 63, in prep_splicing
    db = gffutils.create_db(fn, dbfn=database, force=True, keep_order=True, merge_strategy='merge',
  File "/home/lab/miniconda2/envs/SQANTI3.env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gffutils/", line 1292, in create_db
  File "/home/lab/miniconda2/envs/SQANTI3.env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gffutils/", line 508, in create
  File "/home/lab/miniconda2/envs/SQANTI3.env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gffutils/", line 950, in _update_relations
    gene_bin = bins.bins(gene_start, gene_end, one=True)
  File "/home/lab/miniconda2/envs/SQANTI3.env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gffutils/", line 79, in bins
    if start >= MAX_CHROM_SIZE or stop >= MAX_CHROM_SIZE:
TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/lab/Desktop/Sid/SQANTI3_test/../../apps/SQANTI3-4.2/", line 2509, in <module>
  File "/home/lab/Desktop/Sid/SQANTI3_test/../../apps/SQANTI3-4.2/", line 2492, in main
  File "/home/lab/Desktop/Sid/SQANTI3_test/../../apps/SQANTI3-4.2/", line 1884, in run
    orfDict = correctionPlusORFpred(args, genome_dict)
  File "/home/lab/Desktop/Sid//SQANTI3_test/../../apps/SQANTI3-4.2/", line 505, in correctionPlusORFpred
    if subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)!=0:
  File "/home/lab/miniconda2/envs/SQANTI3.env/lib/python3.9/", line 373, in check_call
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'uLTRA pipeline /home/lab/Desktop/Sid//SQANTI3_test/test.final_rename_mod.fasta /home/lab/Desktop/Sid/SQANTI3_test/ /home/lab/Desktop/Sid//SQANTI3_test/CLR_hq_transcripts.renamed.fasta /home/lab/Desktop/Sid/SQANTI3_test/SQANTI_out/uLTRA_out/ --t 10 --prefix ../genome_corrected --isoseq' returned non-zero exit status 1.'

I also tried gmap and deSALT, but got a different error. I just changed --aligner_choce (it works with minimap2). (It seems like this is just an error with the expected position of the argument?)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/castoelab/Desktop/Sid/testin/SQANTI3_test/../../apps/SQANTI3-4.2/", line 2509, in <module>
  File "/home/castoelab/Desktop/Sid/testin/SQANTI3_test/../../apps/SQANTI3-4.2/", line 2440, in main
    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath(args.gmap_index)):
  File "/home/castoelab/miniconda2/envs/SQANTI3.env/lib/python3.9/", line 375, in abspath
    path = os.fspath(path)
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType

If I removed the offending lines in the gtf and reran the code, do you think that would solve the issue instead of trying a different aligner?

Thanks very much for your help in making this code better!

kmnip commented 2 years ago

I'm also getting a KeyError at the same point running the same options (--force_id_ignore and --fasta) with SQANTI3 v.4.2.

I also got the same error using the same options with version 4.2.


That's a weird error... Would it be possible that you obtained some coding exons of 1bp long after mapping your reads with SQANTI3? For checking this, please, do:

awk '{if ($4==$5) print $0}' <obtained_corrected.gtf>

If you get some exons with the same start and end position, check if they are coding with a grep of the transcript ID on the also obtained *_corrected.faa. If that's the case, that is what is causing the problem. You might want to try a different mapper...

Besides that, I realized that you are using *polished.hq.fasta. Even though these reads are polished, they are still reads, not transcript models. In order to collapse your reads into transcript-models, I suggest you to use cDNA Cupcake or TAMA, and then, use SQANTI3.


My input is a FASTA of a transcriptome assembly. I confirm that my _corrected.gtf also has the 1-bp exon issue mentioned previously.

I think the issue stems from cDNA Cupcake not generating the coordinates correctly from the CIGAR string (instead of an alignment issue in minimap2). For example, there are also some invalid coordinates from my log:

Error: invalid feature coordinates (end<start!) at line:
5       Homo_sapiens    exon    88620775        88620774        .       -       .       ID=rb_166714.exon2;Name=rb_166714.exon2;Parent=rb_166714

which doesn't make any sense at all.

aarzalluz commented 2 years ago

Hi @kmnip -we just released version 4.3. Could you update SQANTI3 and see whether the error persists?

kmnip commented 2 years ago

Hi Angeles, I am still getting the same error with version 4.3:

**** Performing Classification of Isoforms....
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/projects/kmnip_prj/tools/SQANTI3-4.3/", line 2461, in <module>
  File "/projects/kmnip_prj/tools/SQANTI3-4.3/", line 2444, in main
  File "/projects/kmnip_prj/tools/SQANTI3-4.3/", line 1854, in run
    isoforms_info, ratio_TSS_dict = isoformClassification(args, isoforms_by_chr, refs_1exon_by_chr, refs_exons_by_chr, junctions_by_chr, junctions_by_gene, start_ends_by_gene, genome_dict, indelsJunc, orfDict, corrGTF)
  File "/projects/kmnip_prj/tools/SQANTI3-4.3/", line 1686, in isoformClassification
    isoform_hit.CDS_genomic_start = m[isoform_hit.CDS_start-1] + 1  # make it 1-based
KeyError: 6389
aarzalluz commented 2 years ago

Ok -we currently don't have any internal handling of this sort of error implemented. However, the anomaly does seem to be generated by the collapse step (cupcake, in your case).

My suggestion would be to remove the offending lines from your GTF and/or to look for potential pitfalls on your upstream processing -perhaps you could make sure that you have run the cluster/polish step correctly or try TAMA for collapse instead, like @FJPardoPalacios suggested. However, if you do wish to stick to cupcake, you could open an issue in the cDNA_cupcake repo and see if they can help out!

Since this is not a SQANTI3 solve per se, I will close the issue now -feel free to open a new one if you run into any other problems using SQ3.