Conflux-Chain / ConfluxWeb

Conflux JavaScript API, under active development
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Could not send CFX through node terminal #2

Closed saarshah closed 4 years ago

saarshah commented 4 years ago

I have followed this link to generate tx and send to another account. My transaction receipt is '0x7685f4364b3d489c091d9df42b30493c3ed45114ef49a2b942a2e280c9a6b554' which is generated by following code var st = confluxWeb.cfx.sendSignedTransaction('0x' + tx.serialize().toString('hex')); , and

st is printed as follow;

Proxy [ PromiEvent { resolve: [Function], reject: [Function], promise: Promise { '0x7685f4364b3d489c091d9df42b30493c3ed45114ef49a2b942a2e280c9a6b554', domain: [Domain] }, eventEmitter: EventEmitter { _events: {}, _eventsCount: 0 } }, { get: [Function: proxyHandler] } ]

when i search above tx the shows following msg. packing, please wait.. How much time will be required to complete it and able to watch in my wallet. ?

liuis commented 4 years ago

@saarshah If you use a test network, you can quickly find tx in the blockchain browser.