Confuser2188 / PhoenixAntiCheat

An anti-cheat plugin for Bukkit/Spigot
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Phase check fail when I walk through flowers #3

Closed Misat11 closed 5 years ago

Misat11 commented 5 years ago

General Information

When I walk through flowers, I'll be returned back and got error message: PAC: Misat11 failed Phase check [VL: 1] [Ping: 254] [Info: type:'edge' block:'WHITE_TULIP']

PAC version : 2.0.0-pre3 Server version : 1.13 Plugin list : Plugins (27): LuckPerms, WorldEdit, ColoredSigns, ClearLag, Multiverse-Core, AutoSaveWorld, SkinsRestorer, iConomy, PAC, ViaVersion, Vault, JPanel, Essentials, ChestLock, Paintball, Jobs, ProtocolLib, TabList, Residence, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsChat, ZombieApocalypse, CraftBook, ServerListPlus, ChestShop, AuthMe, HolographicDisplays