Confuser2188 / PhoenixAntiCheat

An anti-cheat plugin for Bukkit/Spigot
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[Phase check] Can't walk on crops, Can't jump on blocks in caves (CAVE_AIR) #7

Closed Goonhaven closed 5 years ago

Goonhaven commented 5 years ago

Hi, I appreciate you getting this great plugin out so fast for 1.13! I wouldn't know where to start with an anti-cheat plugin.

PAC version : 2.0.0-pre4

Server version : 1.13.1

Plugin list : CoreProtect, WorldEdit, PlugMan, Votifier, Multiverse-Core, WorldGuard, BlowableObsidians, VotingPlugin, PermissionsEx, RFChairs, PAC, ViaVersion, mcMMO, Multiverse-NetherPortals, SimpleSilk, Vault, CombatLogX, SimpleSilkShop, MultiChatBridge, Essentials, Jobs, ProtocolLib, EssentialsChat, CrazyAuctions, EssentialsSpawn, HolographicDisplays, CrateReloaded, Factions, PurpleIRC

N.B. You won't have heard of SimpleSilk & SimpleSilkShop because I wrote them to replace the outdated SilkSpawner plugins, but they shouldn't interfere with PAC.

## Explanation of issue

## Videos/Screenshots (I am in a factions server, so don't really want to provide a video / SS - here are the logs): [09:45:08 INFO]: PAC: Goonhaven failed Phase check [VL: 38] [Ping: 25] [Info: type:'edge' block:'WHEAT'] [09:45:14 INFO]: PAC: Goonhaven failed Phase check [VL: 46] [Ping: 42] [Info: type:'edge' block:'WHEAT'] [09:45:19 INFO]: PAC: Goonhaven failed Phase check [VL: 51] [Ping: 42] [Info: type:'edge' block:'CAVE_AIR'] [09:45:24 INFO]: PAC: Goonhaven failed Phase check [VL: 55] [Ping: 42] [Info: type:'edge' block:'CAVE_AIR'] [09:45:56 INFO]: PAC: Goonhaven failed Phase check [VL: 1] [Ping: 55] [Info: type:'edge' block:'SUGAR_CANE'] [09:46:26 INFO]: PAC: Goonhaven failed Phase check [VL: 1] [Ping: 71] [Info: type:'center' block:'CAVE_AIR'] [09:46:36 INFO]: PAC: Goonhaven failed Phase check [VL: 3] [Ping: 71] [Info: type:'edge' block:'CAVE_AIR']