CongducPham / LowCostLoRaGw

Low-cost LoRa IoT & gateway with SX12XX (SX1261/62/68; SX1272/76/77/78/79; SX1280/81), RaspberryPI and Arduino boards
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Sensor data not reading #129

Open ankitnehra opened 6 years ago

ankitnehra commented 6 years ago

Hi, I was using the Arduino_Lora_Ping_Pong.ino to send sensor data. So I read data from the DHT22 sensor and instead of sending the "Ping" string, I'm sending the data read by the sensor after converting it to a string. However, the data read is always NAN. When I read the data using a different sketch (just sensor reading), it works fine. I am not using the Generic Sensor sketch because whenever I try to use it, the setup just repeats. Also, Generic Sensor doesn't have support for one of the sensors I am using, namely, Adafruit TCS34725. Any help is appreciated.

CongducPham commented 6 years ago

Well, it seems to be a problem in how you read the DHT22 value. So you can use GenericSensor and adapt it to your need.


Le 20/07/2017 à 22:34, ankitnehra a écrit :

Hi, I was using the Arduino_Lora_Ping_Pong.ino to send sensor data. So I read data from the DHT22 sensor and instead of sending the "Ping" string, I'm sending the data read by the sensor after converting it to a string. However, the data read is always NAN. When I read the data using a different sketch (just sensor reading), it works fine. I am not using the Generic Sensor sketch because whenever I try to use it, the setup just repeats. Also, Generic Sensor doesn't have support for one of the sensors I am using, namely, Adafruit TCS34725. Any help is appreciated.

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C. Pham.

-- ------------ Congduc PHAM - Professor -------------------------- LIUPPA - Equipe T2I U.P.P.A. Pau
UPPA, LIUPPA laboratory, UFR Sciences et Techniques
Avenue de l'Université - BP 1155
phone: [33] (0) 5 59 40 75 94
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ankitnehra commented 6 years ago

I tried using Generic Sensor and was still unable to read data. I am using the Dragino LoRa shield for Arduino. Here is the Arduino ping pong code to which I made some modifications in order to include sensor data.

When I read and print data in setup before the module is turned on using sx1272.ON(), the data is read correctly. However, once the module is turned on the digital pin doesn't seem to read anything and all I get as a reading is "nan".

Do you think there could be a wiring issue with the Dragino shield? I am reproducing the relevant code here:


int loraMode=LORAMODE;

//Libraries for sensors





define DHTPIN 5 // what pin we're connected to

define DHTTYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302)

DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); //// Initialize DHT sensor for normal 16mhz Arduino

/ Initialise with specific int time and gain values / Adafruit_TCS34725 tcs = Adafruit_TCS34725(TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_700MS, TCS34725_GAIN_1X);

void setup() { int e;

// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:

if defined SAMD21G18A && not defined ARDUINO_SAMD_FEATHER_M0





//start up the sensors if (tcs.begin()) { Serial.println("Found sensor"); } else { Serial.println("No TCS34725 found ... check your connections"); } dht.begin();

float humi, tempe; humi = dht.readHumidity(); tempe= dht.readTemperature(); Serial.println(humi); Serial.println(tempe);

// Print a start message PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Simple LoRa ping-pong with the gateway\n");


PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Arduino Pro Mini detected\n");



PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Arduino Nano detected\n");



PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Arduino MINI/Nexus detected\n");


ifdef MK20DX256

PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Teensy31/32 detected\n");


ifdef SAMD21G18A

PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Arduino M0/Zero detected\n");


// Power ON the module sx1272.ON();

// Set transmission mode and print the result e = sx1272.setMode(loraMode); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Setting Mode: state "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", e); PRINTLN;

// enable carrier sense sx1272._enableCarrierSense=true;

// Select frequency channel e = sx1272.setChannel(DEFAULT_CHANNEL); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Setting Channel: state "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", e); PRINTLN;

// Select amplifier line; PABOOST or RFO


sx1272._needPABOOST=true; // previous way for setting output power // powerLevel='x';


// previous way for setting output power // powerLevel='M';


// previous way for setting output power // e = sx1272.setPower(powerLevel);

e = sx1272.setPowerDBM((uint8_t)MAX_DBM); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Setting Power: state "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", e); PRINTLN;

// Set the node address and print the result e = sx1272.setNodeAddress(node_addr); PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","Setting node addr: state "); PRINT_VALUE("%d", e); PRINTLN;

// Print a success message PRINT_CSTSTR("%s","SX1272 successfully configured\n");

delay(500); }

void loop(void) {

uint8_t message[500];

uint8_t r_size; int e;

float hum; //Stores humidity value float temp; //Stores temperature value

String hum_str, temp_str, r_str, g_str, b_str, msg;

//Light sensor uint16_t r, g, b, c, colorTemp, lux;



//r_size=sprintf((char*)message, "Ping");

while (1) { //Read data and store it to variables hum and temp hum = (dht.readHumidity()100); temp= (dht.readTemperature()100); Serial.println(hum, temp);

ankitnehra commented 6 years ago

Quick update: It reads the data even if I put it at the very end of setup, the sensor still reads the data fine. But as soon as I try to read the data in the loop, the sensor doesn't work.

CongducPham commented 6 years ago

If at one moment you can read the data correctly then it means that it is an issue independant from the communication framework. Try to debug your code further, by lokking for instance at how your local variable are instanciated/used in the loop.


Kevin-Sangeelee commented 6 years ago

I think your use of Serial.println() is wrong. The second parameter is used to specify the output format. You have passed in the value for temperature. Try outputting humidity and temperature separately.

Regarding the actual reading from the DHT22, it's worth noting that the Dragino LoRa shield has a number of jumpers that can be used to connect DIO pins of the Semtech chip to the Arduino GPIO pins. If one of these pins conflicts with the pin that you use for the DHT22, then it could affect the sensor's data output at instants where the DIO pin is not in a high impedance state. You can check the docs/schematic for the shield to find out the pin routing.

On 25 July 2017 at 20:24, ankitnehra wrote:

Quick update: It reads the data even if I put it at the very end of setup, the sensor still reads the data fine. But as soon as I try to read the data in the loop, the sensor doesn't work.

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