CongducPham / LowCostLoRaGw

Low-cost LoRa IoT & gateway with SX12XX (SX1261/62/68; SX1272/76/77/78/79; SX1280/81), RaspberryPI and Arduino boards
694 stars 352 forks source link

LowCostLoRaGw doesn’t work anymore after update to Version 546 #291

Closed schroepfer closed 3 years ago

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

Hello, after the update to:

Git version: 546. Installed version: 546. Date of current distribution is 2020-12-02 16:57:32.735374198 +0100

the Raspberry doesn’t read the sensors anymore. The pkt logger shows the last logs before the update, but no new one:

Showing last 20 packet receptions. Refreshing every 5s. 2020-12-02T13:40:35.868805> +++ rxlora[865199]. dst=1 type=0x12 src=5 seq=244 len=23 SNR=8 RSSIpkt=-20 BW=125 CR=4/5 SF=12 2020-12-02T13:39:27.553478> +++ rxlora[865199]. dst=1 type=0x12 src=3 seq=61 len=23 SNR=6 RSSIpkt=-58 BW=125 CR=4/5 SF=12

Before the update the system runs very stable. I changed nothing!

Regards Juergen

CongducPham commented 3 years ago

Hi, I've just tried and see no issues. Did you perform basic config and then reboot after the update?

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

Yes, i did so. After this i did a full update and basic config too, but this doesn't help. I looked into all the relevant configs, but nothing is changed.

CongducPham commented 3 years ago

What raspberry model do you have, and what is the Raspbian version? Buster?

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

It is a Raspberry Zero W. I installed your:

CongducPham commented 3 years ago

OK I see, so the SD card image has been working fine on the RPI0, then you did a full update and it is not working anyore right? It is maybe a compilation issue. Do you have ssh access to your RPI? Could you run scripts/ please?

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

Yes, yes, and yes, i will run the script....

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

The script runs with an error at the end. I reboot, but it doesn:t help. :-(

lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x1dec): undefined reference toSX1272::setSF(unsigned char)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x1f04): undefined reference to SX1272::setPacketType(unsigned char)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x1fe0): undefined reference toSX1272::sendPacketTimeout(unsigned char, unsigned char*, unsigned short, unsigned short)' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

: recipe for target 'lora_gateway' failed make: *** [lora_gateway] Error 1 ~/lora_gateway/scripts You should reboot your Raspberry Bye. pi@raspi-lora:~/lora_gateway/scripts $ `
CongducPham commented 3 years ago

OK, I see, for reason it compile with the old lora_gateway.cpp file and old SX1272 lib. I don't know why your makefile has not been updated. To check, could you copy/paste the content of the lora_gateway folder, and then the content of the makefile file please?

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

i don't unterstand exactly, what i should copy from/to!? I'm no expert in Linux. :-(

copy the content of /home/pi/lora_gateway of my Raspberry, to..... paste where?

content of makefile??

CongducPham commented 3 years ago

When logging with ssh to the RPI, go to the lora_gateway folder type "ls -l" and copy/paste (on this discussion thread) the folder list of file so that I can see how the uodate has been going on. Same for the makefile, type "cat makefile", copy paste the content.

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

pi@raspi-lora:~/lora_gateway $ ls -l insgesamt 1976 drwxr-xr-x 3 pi pi 4096 Dez 2 16:57 3GDongle drwxr-xr-x 3 pi pi 4096 Dez 2 16:57 aes-python-lib -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 7 Dez 3 09:40 arch_compiled.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 7 Dez 3 09:31 arch.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 43990 Dez 2 16:57 arduPi.cpp -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 14535 Dez 2 16:57 arduPi.h -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 35352 Dez 3 09:41 arduPi.o -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 43310 Sep 21 13:27 arduPi_pi2.cpp -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 14101 Sep 21 13:27 arduPi_pi2.h -rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 10739 Dez 2 16:57 base64.c -rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 2165 Dez 2 16:57 base64.h -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6136 Dez 3 09:41 base64.o -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 77976 Dez 2 16:57 bcm2835.h -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 25160 Dez 2 16:57 bcm2835_v160.h -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 19307 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 7620 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6174 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 5569 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 5108 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 11927 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 7440 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 5520 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 8336 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6184 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 7502 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 3767 Dez 2 18:59 clouds.json -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6206 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1976 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1019 Dez 2 17:00 clouds_parser.pyc -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 11636 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 14366 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 7727 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 18436 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 19171 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6193 Dez 2 16:57 -rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 15979 Dez 2 16:57 drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Jul 10 13:31 config_backup -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6012 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6018 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 11001 Dez 2 16:57 drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Dez 2 16:57 downlink -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1227 Dez 3 09:40 gateway_conf.json -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 33 Dez 3 09:40 gateway_id.md5 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 17 Dez 3 09:40 gateway_id.txt drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Dez 2 16:57 gps drwxr-xr-x 3 pi pi 4096 Dez 2 16:57 gw_web_admin -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 506 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 606 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 654 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 356 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 916 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 309 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 498 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 2488 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 924 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 858 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 335 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 315 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1139 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 965 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 597 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1318 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1332 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 129 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 4169 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 2690 Dez 2 17:00 libSMS.pyc lrwxrwxrwx 1 pi pi 26 Dez 3 09:40 log -> /home/pi/Dropbox/LoRa-test -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 5402 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 50144 Sep 21 13:27 lora_gateway.cpp -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 19270 Dez 2 16:57 makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 7043 Dez 2 16:57 drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Dez 2 16:57 nodered drwxr-xr-x 4 pi pi 4096 Dez 2 16:57 php -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 45924 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 12292 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 109 Dez 2 16:57 radio.makefile drwxr-xr-x 5 pi pi 4096 Dez 2 16:57 rapidjson -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 59 Dez 3 09:40 raspberry.makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 44103 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 39279 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 11933 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 11059 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 38454 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 25839 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 12748 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 5258 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 2942 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 15494 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 7405 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 7667 Dez 2 16:57 drwxr-xr-x 5 pi pi 4096 Dez 2 16:57 scripts drwxr-xr-x 5 pi pi 4096 Dez 2 16:57 sensors_in_raspi -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 4166 Dez 2 16:57 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6029 Dez 2 16:57 SX126X_lora_gateway.h drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Dez 2 16:57 SX1272 -rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 210910 Sep 21 13:26 SX1272.cpp -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 41852 Sep 21 13:26 SX1272.h -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 50144 Dez 2 16:57 SX1272_lora_gateway.cpp -rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 197212 Dez 3 09:41 SX127X_lora_gateway -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 5262 Dez 2 16:57 SX127X_lora_gateway.h -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 233256 Dez 3 09:40 SX127X_lora_gateway.o -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 10749 Dez 2 16:57 SX1280_ranging_slave.cpp -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 2149 Dez 2 16:57 SX1280_ranging_slave.h -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 3375 Dez 2 16:57 SX128X_lora_gateway.h drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Dez 3 09:41 SX12XX -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 54076 Dez 2 16:57 SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 13709 Dez 2 16:57 SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.cpp -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6641 Dez 2 16:57 SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.h -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 8757 Dez 2 16:57 SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.cpp -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6251 Dez 2 16:57 SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.h drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Dez 2 16:57 test-folder drwxr-xr-x 3 pi pi 4096 Dez 2 16:57 ucam-images pi@raspi-lora:~/lora_gateway $

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

pi@raspi-lora:~/lora_gateway $ cat makefile include radio.makefile include raspberry.makefile


usage options

- by defining lora_gateway, loragateway_pi2 or lora_gateway_pi4 target according to

* to your radio module (SX126X, SX127X or SX128X)

* and low-level lib (Libelium 1272/1276 lib or StuartProject's SX12XX lib)

* then:

- make lora_gateway, or

- make lora_gateway_pi2, or

- make lora_gateway_pi4


- by calling the specific target

* make SX1272_lora_gateway or make SX1272_lora_gateway_pi2 or make SX1272_lora_gateway_pi2 (Libelium 1272/1276 lib)

* make SX126X_lora_gateway or make SX126X_lora_gateway_pi2 or make SX126X_lora_gateway_pi4 (StuartProject's SX12XX lib)

* make SX127X_lora_gateway or make SX127X_lora_gateway_pi2 or make SX127X_lora_gateway_pi4 (StuartProject's SX12XX lib)

* make SX128X_lora_gateway or make SX128X_lora_gateway_pi2 or make SX128X_lora_gateway_pi4 (StuartProject's SX12XX lib)


- then to run the gateway

* sudo ./lora_gateway


- there is a simple lora gateway program with fixed LoRa parameters to test the StuartProject's SX12XX lib

* make SX126X_simple_lora_gateway or make SX126X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2 or make SX126X_simple_lora_gateway_pi4 (StuartProject's SX12XX lib)

* make SX127X_simple_lora_gateway or make SX127X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2 or make SX127X_simple_lora_gateway_pi4 (StuartProject's SX12XX lib)

* make SX128X_simple_lora_gateway or make SX128X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2 or make SX128X_simple_lora_gateway_pi4 (StuartProject's SX12XX lib)


- then to run the simple gateway

* sudo ./simple_lora_gateway

# ################################




--------------> RPI1 & RPI0



Libelium SX1272/1276 library – only support SX1272/SX1276 radio modules

lora_gateway: SX1272_lora_gateway


if moving to SX12XX library

///// uncomment 1 choice ////////

lora_gateway: SX126X_lora_gateway

lora_gateway: SX127X_lora_gateway

lora_gateway: SX128X_lora_gateway


SX1272 lora gateway

#################### SX1272_lora_gateway: SX1272_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX1272/SX1272.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX1272_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX1272/SX1272.o base64.o -o SX1272_lora_gateway rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX1272_lora_gateway ./lora_gateway

SX12XX test gateway

#################### SX126X_simple_lora_gateway: SX126X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX126X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o -o SX126X_simple_lora_gateway rm -f simple_lora_gateway ln -s SX126X_simple_lora_gateway ./simple_lora_gateway

SX127X_simple_lora_gateway: SX127X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX127X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o -o SX127X_simple_lora_gateway rm -f simple_lora_gateway ln -s SX127X_simple_lora_gateway ./simple_lora_gateway

SX128X_simple_lora_gateway: SX128X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX128X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o -o SX128X_simple_lora_gateway rm -f simple_lora_gateway ln -s SX128X_simple_lora_gateway ./simple_lora_gateway

SX12XX transmitter

#################### SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter: SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o -o SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter rm -f simple_lora_transmitter ln -s SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter ./simple_lora_transmitter

SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter: SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o -o SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter rm -f simple_lora_transmitter ln -s SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter ./simple_lora_transmitter

SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter: SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o -o SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter rm -f simple_lora_transmitter ln -s SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter ./simple_lora_transmitter

SX12XX lora gateway

#################### SX126X_lora_gateway: SX126X_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX126X_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o -o SX126X_lora_gateway rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX126X_lora_gateway ./lora_gateway

SX127X_lora_gateway: SX127X_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX127X_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o -o SX127X_lora_gateway rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX127X_lora_gateway ./lora_gateway

SX128X_lora_gateway: SX128X_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX128X_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o -o SX128X_lora_gateway rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX128X_lora_gateway ./lora_gateway

SX1280 ranging slave

##################### SX1280_ranging_slave: SX1280_ranging_slave.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX1280_ranging_slave.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o -o SX1280_ranging_slave rm -f ranging_slave ln -s SX1280_ranging_slave ./ranging_slave

--------------> RPI2 & RPI3



Libelium SX1272/1276 library – only support SX1272/SX1276 radio modules

lora_gateway_pi2: SX1272_lora_gateway_pi2


if moving to SX12XX library

///// uncomment 1 choice ////////////////

lora_gateway_pi2: SX126X_lora_gateway_pi2

lora_gateway_pi2: SX127X_lora_gateway_pi2

lora_gateway_pi2: SX128X_lora_gateway_pi2


SX1272 lora gateway

#################### SX1272_lora_gateway_pi2: SX1272_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX1272/SX1272.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX1272_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX1272/SX1272.o base64.o -o SX1272_lora_gateway_pi2 rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX1272_lora_gateway_pi2 ./lora_gateway

SX12XX test gateway

#################### SX126X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2: SX126X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX126X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o -o SX126X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2 rm -f simple_lora_gateway ln -s SX126X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2 ./simple_lora_gateway

SX127X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2: SX127X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX127X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o -o SX127X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2 rm -f simple_lora_gateway ln -s SX127X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2 ./simple_lora_gateway

SX128X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2: SX128X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX128X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o -o SX128X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2 rm -f simple_lora_gateway ln -s SX128X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2 ./simple_lora_gateway

SX12XX transmitter

#################### SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2: SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o -o SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2 rm -f simple_lora_transmitter ln -s SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2 ./simple_lora_transmitter

SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2: SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o -o SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2 rm -f simple_lora_transmitter ln -s SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2 ./simple_lora_transmitter

SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2: SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o -o SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2 rm -f simple_lora_transmitter ln -s SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2 ./simple_lora_transmitter

SX12XX lora gateway

#################### SX126X_lora_gateway_pi2: SX126X_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX126X_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o -o SX126X_lora_gateway_pi2 rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX126X_lora_gateway_pi2 ./lora_gateway

SX127X_lora_gateway_pi2: SX127X_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX127X_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o -o SX127X_lora_gateway_pi2 rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX127X_lora_gateway_pi2 ./lora_gateway

SX128X_lora_gateway_pi2: SX128X_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX128X_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o -o SX128X_lora_gateway_pi2 rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX128X_lora_gateway_pi2 ./lora_gateway

SX1280 ranging slave

##################### SX1280_ranging_slave_pi2: SX1280_ranging_slave.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX1280_ranging_slave.o arduPi_pi2.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o -o SX1280_ranging_slave_pi2 rm -f ranging_slave ln -s SX1280_ranging_slave_pi2 ./ranging_slave

--------------> RPI4



Libelium SX1272/1276 library – only support SX1272/SX1276 radio modules

lora_gateway_pi4: SX1272_lora_gateway_pi4


if moving to SX12XX library

///// uncomment 1 choice ////////////////

lora_gateway_pi4: SX126X_lora_gateway_pi4

lora_gateway_pi4: SX127X_lora_gateway_pi4

lora_gateway_pi4: SX128X_lora_gateway_pi4


SX1272 lora gateway

#################### SX1272_lora_gateway_pi4: SX1272_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX1272/SX1272.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX1272_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX1272/SX1272.o base64.o -o SX1272_lora_gateway_pi4 rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX1272_lora_gateway_pi4 ./lora_gateway

SX12XX test gateway

#################### SX126X_simple_lora_gateway_pi4: SX126X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX126X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o -o SX126X_simple_lora_gateway_pi4 rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX126X_simple_lora_gateway_pi4 ./simple_lora_gateway

SX127X_simple_lora_gateway_pi4: SX127X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX127X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o -o SX127X_simple_lora_gateway_pi4 rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX127X_simple_lora_gateway_pi4 ./simple_lora_gateway

SX128X_simple_lora_gateway_pi4: SX128X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX128X_simple_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o -o SX128X_simple_lora_gateway_pi4 rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX128X_simple_lora_gateway_pi4 ./simple_lora_gateway

SX12XX transmitter

#################### SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi4: SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o -o SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi4 rm -f simple_lora_transmitter ln -s SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi4 ./simple_lora_transmitter

SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi4: SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o -o SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi4 rm -f simple_lora_transmitter ln -s SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi4 ./simple_lora_transmitter

SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi4: SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o -o SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi4 rm -f simple_lora_transmitter ln -s SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi4 ./simple_lora_transmitter

SX12XX lora gateway

#################### SX126X_lora_gateway_pi4: SX126X_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX126X_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o base64.o -o SX126X_lora_gateway_pi4 rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX126X_lora_gateway_pi4 ./lora_gateway

SX127X_lora_gateway_pi4: SX127X_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX127X_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o -o SX127X_lora_gateway_pi4 rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX127X_lora_gateway_pi4 ./lora_gateway

SX128X_lora_gateway_pi4: SX128X_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX128X_lora_gateway.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o -o SX128X_lora_gateway_pi4 rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX128X_lora_gateway_pi4 ./lora_gateway

SX1280 ranging slave

##################### SX1280_ranging_slave_pi4: SX1280_ranging_slave.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX1280_ranging_slave.o arduPi_pi4.o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o base64.o -o SX1280_ranging_slave_pi4 rm -f ranging_slave ln -s SX1280_ranging_slave_pi4 ./ranging_slave




SX1272_lora_gateway.o: SX1272_lora_gateway.cpp radio.makefile raspberry.makefile g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX1272 -I . -c SX1272_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX1272_lora_gateway.o

SX1272_lora_gateway_pi2.o: SX1272_lora_gateway.cpp radio.makefile raspberry.makefile g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX1272 -I . -DRASPBERRY2 -c SX1272_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX1272_lora_gateway_pi2.o

SX126X_simple_lora_gateway.o: SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.cpp SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.h g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX126X -c SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX126X_simple_lora_gateway.o

SX127X_simple_lora_gateway.o: SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.cpp SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.h g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX127X -c SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX127X_simple_lora_gateway.o

SX128X_simple_lora_gateway.o: SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.cpp SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.h g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX128X -c SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX128X_simple_lora_gateway.o

SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter.o: SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.cpp SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.h g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX126X -c SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.cpp -o SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter.o

SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter.o: SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.cpp SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.h g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX127X -c SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.cpp -o SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter.o

SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter.o: SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.cpp SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.h g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX128X -c SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.cpp -o SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter.o

SX126X_lora_gateway.o: SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp SX126X_lora_gateway.h radio.makefile raspberry.makefile g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX126X -c SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX126X_lora_gateway.o

SX127X_lora_gateway.o: SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp SX127X_lora_gateway.h radio.makefile raspberry.makefile g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX127X -c SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX127X_lora_gateway.o

SX128X_lora_gateway.o: SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp SX128X_lora_gateway.h radio.makefile raspberry.makefile g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX128X -c SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX128X_lora_gateway.o

SX1280_ranging_slave.o: SX1280_ranging_slave.cpp SX1280_ranging_slave.h radio.makefile raspberry.makefile g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX128X -c SX1280_ranging_slave.cpp -o SX1280_ranging_slave.o

SX126X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2.o: SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.cpp SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.h

g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX126X -DRASPBERRY2 -c SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX126X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2.o

SX127X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2.o: SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.cpp SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.h

g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX127X -DRASPBERRY2 -c SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX127X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2.o

SX128X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2.o: SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.cpp SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.h

g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX128X -DRASPBERRY2 -c SX12XX_simple_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX128X_simple_lora_gateway_pi2.o

SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2.o: SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.cpp SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.h

g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX126X -DRASPBERRY2 -c SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.cpp -o SX126X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2.o

SX127X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2.o: SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.cpp SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.h

g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX127X -DRASPBERRY2 -c SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.cpp -o SX127X_simple_lora_transmittery_pi2.o

SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2.o: SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.cpp SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.h

g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX128X -DRASPBERRY2 -c SX12XX_simple_lora_transmitter.cpp -o SX128X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi2.o

SX126X_lora_gateway_pi2.o: SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp SX126X_lora_gateway.h radio.makefile raspberry.makefile

g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX126X -DRASPBERRY2 -c SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX126X_lora_gateway_pi2.o

SX127X_lora_gateway_pi2.o: SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp SX127X_lora_gateway.h radio.makefile raspberry.makefile

g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX127X -DRASPBERRY2 -c SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX127X_lora_gateway_pi2.o

SX128X_lora_gateway_pi2.o: SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp SX128X_lora_gateway.h radio.makefile raspberry.makefile

g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -DSX128X -DRASPBERRY2 -c SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX128X_lora_gateway_pi2.o

arduPi.o: arduPi.cpp arduPi.h g++ $(CFLAGS) -c arduPi.cpp -o arduPi.o

arduPi_pi2.o: arduPi.cpp arduPi.h g++ $(CFLAGS) -DRASPBERRY2 -c arduPi.cpp -o arduPi_pi2.o

arduPi_pi4.o: arduPi.cpp arduPi.h g++ $(CFLAGS) -DRASPBERRY4 -c arduPi.cpp -o arduPi_pi4.o

SX1272/SX1272.o: SX1272/SX1272.cpp SX1272/SX1272.h g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX1272 -I . -c SX1272/SX1272.cpp -o SX1272/SX1272.o

SX12XX/SX126XLT.o: SX12XX/SX126XLT.cpp SX12XX/SX126XLT.h SX12XX/SX126XLT_Definitions.h g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -c SX12XX/SX126XLT.cpp -o SX12XX/SX126XLT.o

SX12XX/SX127XLT.o: SX12XX/SX127XLT.cpp SX12XX/SX127XLT.h SX12XX/SX127XLT_Definitions.h g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -c SX12XX/SX127XLT.cpp -o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o

SX12XX/SX128XLT.o: SX12XX/SX128XLT.cpp SX12XX/SX128XLT.h SX12XX/SX128XLT_Definitions.h g++ $(CFLAGS) -I SX12XX -I . -c SX12XX/SX128XLT.cpp -o SX12XX/SX128XLT.o

base64.o: base64.c base64.h g++ -c base64.c -o base64.o

clean: cd SX1272; rm -rf .o; cd ../SX12XX; rm -rf .o; cd .. rm -rf .o lora_gateway simple_lora_gateway simple_lora_transmitter ranging_slave SX1272_lora_gateway SX1272_lora_gateway_pi SX12?X_lora_gateway SX12?X_lora_gateway_pi SX12?X_simple_lora_gateway SX12?X_simple_lora_gateway_pi SX12?X_simple_lora_transmitter SX12?X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi SX1280_ranging_slave SX1280_ranging_slave_pi pi@raspi-lora:~/lora_gateway $

CongducPham commented 3 years ago

OK, looks fine, the update was performed as expected. But then when you call scripts/ I don't know why it is compiling the old version. Could you copy/paste the whole output when calling scripts/ please?

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

pi@raspi-lora:~/lora_gateway/scripts $ ./ ~/lora_gateway ~/lora_gateway/scripts cd SX1272; rm -rf .o; cd ../SX12XX; rm -rf .o; cd .. rm -rf .o lora_gateway simple_lora_gateway simple_lora_transmitter ranging_slave SX1272_lora_gateway SX1272_lora_gateway_pi SX12?X_lora_gateway SX12?X_lora_gateway_pi SX12?X_simple_lora_gateway SX12?X_simple_lora_gateway_pi SX12?X_simple_lora_transmitter SX12?X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi SX1280_ranging_slave SX1280_ranging_slave_pi You have a Raspberry Zero W Compiling for Raspberry Zero W (same as Raspberry 1) g++ -DPABOOST -DMAX_DBM=14 -DBAND868 -I SX12XX -I . -DSX127X -c SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX127X_lora_gateway.o g++ -DPABOOST -DMAX_DBM=14 -DBAND868 -c arduPi.cpp -o arduPi.o
g++ -DPABOOST -DMAX_DBM=14 -DBAND868 -I SX12XX -I . -c SX12XX/SX127XLT.cpp -o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o g++ -c base64.c -o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX127X_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o -o SX127X_lora_gateway rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX127X_lora_gateway ./lora_gateway
g++ lora_gateway.cpp SX127X_lora_gateway -o lora_gateway SX127X_lora_gateway:(.rodata+0x34b8): multiple definition of rapidjson::GenericValue<rapidjson::UTF8<char>, rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator<rapidjson::CrtAllocator> >::GenericValue(rapidjson::Type)::defaultFlags' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.rodata._ZZN9rapidjson12GenericValueINS_4UTF8IcEENS_19MemoryPoolAllocatorINS_12CrtAllocatorEEEEC4ENS_4TypeEE12defaultFlags[_ZZN9rapidjson12GenericValueINS_4UTF8IcEENS_19MemoryPoolAllocatorINS_12CrtAllocatorEEEEC4ENS_4TypeEE12defaultFlags]+0x0): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In functiondata_start': :(.data+0x58): multiple definition of optFQ' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.data+0x60): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In function_start': :(.text+0x0): multiple definition of _start' /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.9/../../../arm-linux-gnueabihf/crt1.o:/build/glibc-P1SmLh/glibc-2.19/csu/../ports/sysdeps/arm/start.S:79: first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.rodata+0x33b4): multiple definition ofrapidjson::GenericStringRef::emptyString' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.rodata._ZN9rapidjson16GenericStringRefIcE11emptyStringE[_ZN9rapidjson16GenericStringRefIcE11emptyStringE]+0x0): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.rodata+0x33b8): multiple definition of void rapidjson::GenericReader<rapidjson::UTF8<char>, rapidjson::UTF8<char>, rapidjson::CrtAllocator>::ParseStringToStream<0u, rapidjson::UTF8<char>, rapidjson::UTF8<char>, rapidjson::GenericStringStream<rapidjson::UTF8<char> >, rapidjson::GenericReader<rapidjson::UTF8<char>, rapidjson::UTF8<char>, rapidjson::CrtAllocator>::StackStream<char> >(rapidjson::GenericStringStream<rapidjson::UTF8<char> >&, rapidjson::GenericReader<rapidjson::UTF8<char>, rapidjson::UTF8<char>, rapidjson::CrtAllocator>::StackStream<char>&)::escape' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.rodata._ZZN9rapidjson13GenericReaderINS_4UTF8IcEES2_NS_12CrtAllocatorEE19ParseStringToStreamILj0ES2_S2_NS_19GenericStringStreamIS2_EENS4_11StackStreamIcEEEEvRT2_RT3_E6escape[_ZZN9rapidjson13GenericReaderINS_4UTF8IcEES2_NS_12CrtAllocatorEE19ParseStringToStreamILj0ES2_S2_NS_19GenericStringStreamIS2_EENS4_11StackStreamIcEEEEvRT2_RT3_E6escape]+0x0): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In function_fini': :(.fini+0x0): multiple definition of _fini' /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.9/../../../arm-linux-gnueabihf/crti.o:/build/glibc-P1SmLh/glibc-2.19/csu/../ports/sysdeps/arm/crti.S:95: first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x16): multiple definition ofcheckForLateDownlinkJACC2' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x2): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In function __data_start': :(.data+0x14): multiple definition ofloraChannelArray' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.data+0x4): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.rodata+0x34c8): multiple definition of rapidjson::internal::Pow10(int)::e' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.rodata._ZZN9rapidjson8internal5Pow10EiE1e[_ZZN9rapidjson8internal5Pow10EiE1e]+0x0): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x18): multiple definition ofstatus_counter' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x8): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In function getGwDateTime()': :(.text+0x92c): multiple definition ofgetGwDateTime()' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x6f4): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.rodata+0x0): multiple definition of _IO_stdin_used' /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.9/../../../arm-linux-gnueabihf/crt1.o:(.rodata.cst4+0x0): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x20): multiple definition ofoptSF' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x18): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x23): multiple definition of optRAW' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x1b): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In function__data_start': :(.data+0x0): multiple definition of `data_start' /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.9/../../../arm-linux-gnueabihf/crt1.o:(.data+0x0): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x28): multiple definition of rcv_time_ms' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x20): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x21): multiple definition ofoptCR' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x19): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x2c): multiple definition of rcv_time_tmst' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x24): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In functiondata_start': :(.data+0x60): multiple definition of optSW' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.data+0x68): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x24): multiple definition ofoptHEX' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x1c): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In function __data_start': :(.data+0x4): multiple definition ofdso_handle' /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.9/crtbegin.o:(.data+0x0): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x25): multiple definition of optIIQ' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x1d): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In functiondata_start': :(.data+0x10): multiple definition of enableDownlinkCheck' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.data+0x0): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In functionloop()': :(.text+0xc50): multiple definition of loop()' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0xde4): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In functionsetup()': :(.text+0x9bc): multiple definition of setup()' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x784): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In function__data_start': :(.data+0x50): multiple definition of loraMode' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.data+0x41): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x1e): multiple definition ofoptBW' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x16): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x1c): multiple definition of SIFS_cad_number' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x14): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x14): multiple definition ofcheckForLateDownlinkRX2' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In function `data_start': :(.data+0x52): multiple definition of rcv_timeout' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.data+0x42): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x22): multiple definition ofoptCH' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x1a): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x30): multiple definition of time_str' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x28): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In functionxtoi(char const)': :(.text+0x1eb0): multiple definition of `xtoi(char const)' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x20b8): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway:(.bss+0x15): multiple definition of checkForLateDownlinkJACC1' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:(.bss+0x1): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In functionmain': :(.text+0x1fa4): multiple definition of main' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o:lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x21ac): first defined here SX127X_lora_gateway: In function_init': :(.init+0x0): multiple definition of _init' /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.9/../../../arm-linux-gnueabihf/crti.o:/build/glibc-P1SmLh/glibc-2.19/csu/../ports/sysdeps/arm/crti.S:64: first defined here /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.9/crtend.o:(.tm_clone_table+0x0): multiple definition of__TMC_END__' SX127X_lora_gateway::(.data+0x160): first defined here /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o: In function startConfig()': lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x54): undefined reference toSX1272::setCR(unsigned char)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0xb8): undefined reference to SX1272::setSF(unsigned char)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x14c): undefined reference toSX1272::setBW(unsigned short)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x208): undefined reference to SX1272::setMode(unsigned char)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x2f4): undefined reference toSX1272::setChannel(unsigned int)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x31c): undefined reference to SX1272::setChannel(unsigned int)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x384): undefined reference toSX1272::setChannel(unsigned int)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x47c): undefined reference to SX1272::setPowerDBM(unsigned char)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x4d4): undefined reference toSX1272::getPreambleLength()' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x54c): undefined reference to SX1272::setPreambleLength(unsigned short)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x554): undefined reference toSX1272::getPreambleLength()' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x664): undefined reference to sx1272' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o: In functionsetup()': lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x7a8): undefined reference to SX1272::ON()' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x7f4): undefined reference toSX1272::getSyncWord()' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x85c): undefined reference to SX1272::setSyncWord(unsigned char)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x924): undefined reference tosx1272' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o: In function CarrierSense(bool)': lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x9b0): undefined reference toSX1272::doCAD(unsigned char)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0xaf8): undefined reference to SX1272::doCAD(unsigned char)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0xc88): undefined reference toSX1272::getRSSI()' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0xce4): undefined reference to SX1272::getRSSI()' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0xd90): undefined reference tosx1272' /tmp/ccdWpgnw.o: In function loop()': lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0xea8): undefined reference toSX1272::receivePacketTimeout(unsigned short)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0xf74): undefined reference to SX1272::OFF()' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0xf9c): undefined reference toSX1272::ON()' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x10a4): undefined reference to SX1272::getPayloadLength()' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x10b4): undefined reference toSX1272::getSNR()' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x10bc): undefined reference to SX1272::getRSSIpacket()' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x17c8): undefined reference tosx1272' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x1b2c): undefined reference to SX1272::invertIQ(bool)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x1ca0): undefined reference toSX1272::setChannel(unsigned int)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x1cbc): undefined reference to SX1272::setSF(unsigned char)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x1d50): undefined reference toSX1272::sendPacketTimeout(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned short, unsigned short)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x1d80): undefined reference to SX1272::invertIQ(bool)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x1dc0): undefined reference toSX1272::setChannel(unsigned int)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x1dec): undefined reference to SX1272::setSF(unsigned char)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x1f04): undefined reference toSX1272::setPacketType(unsigned char)' lora_gateway.cpp:(.text+0x1fe0): undefined reference to `SX1272::sendPacketTimeout(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned short, unsigned short)' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

: recipe for target 'lora_gateway' failed make: *** [lora_gateway] Error 1 ~/lora_gateway/scripts You should reboot your Raspberry Bye. pi@raspi-lora:~/lora_gateway/scripts $
CongducPham commented 3 years ago

Strange. for the first lines it is ok:

pi@raspi-lora:~/lora_gateway/scripts $ ./ ~/lora_gateway ~/lora_gateway/scripts cd SX1272; rm -rf .o; cd ../SX12XX; rm -rf .o; cd .. rm -rf .o lora_gateway simple_lora_gateway simple_lora_transmitter ranging_slave SX1272_lora_gateway SX1272_lora_gateway_pi SX12?X_lora_gateway SX12?X_lora_gateway_pi SX12?X_simple_lora_gateway SX12?X_simple_lora_gateway_pi SX12?X_simple_lora_transmitter SX12?X_simple_lora_transmitter_pi SX1280_ranging_slave SX1280_ranging_slave_pi You have a Raspberry Zero W Compiling for Raspberry Zero W (same as Raspberry 1) g++ -DPABOOST -DMAX_DBM=14 -DBAND868 -I SX12XX -I . -DSX127X -c SX12XX_lora_gateway.cpp -o SX127X_lora_gateway.o g++ -DPABOOST -DMAX_DBM=14 -DBAND868 -c arduPi.cpp -o arduPi.o g++ -DPABOOST -DMAX_DBM=14 -DBAND868 -I SX12XX -I . -c SX12XX/SX127XLT.cpp -o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o g++ -c base64.c -o base64.o g++ -lrt -lpthread SX127X_lora_gateway.o arduPi.o SX12XX/SX127XLT.o base64.o -o SX127X_lora_gateway rm -f lora_gateway ln -s SX127X_lora_gateway ./lora_gateway

Normally the script should stop here. Then I don't know why it is trying to continue with: g++ lora_gateway.cpp SX127X_lora_gateway -o lora_gateway ...

I don't even have this line in the makefile.

Can you try to just type "make SX127X_lora_gateway" in lora_gateway folder and give me the output please.

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

This ist the result:

pi@raspi-lora:~/lora_gateway $ make SX127X_lora_gateway make: 'SX127X_lora_gateway' is up to date.

CongducPham commented 3 years ago

OK, so check that you have a link called lora_gateway that should point to SX127X_lora_gateway. Reboot and test packet reception. Before, check that lora paramters between device and gateway are the same. regards,

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

do you mean a symbolic link like this: lrwxrwxrwx 1 pi pi 26 Dez 3 09:40 log -> /home/pi/Dropbox/LoRa-test

then i don't have a link from lora_gateway to SX127X_lora_gateway.

CongducPham commented 3 years ago

OK, so type "make clean", then "make SX127X_lora_gateway"

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

i made this, reboot and it works! 2020-12-03T13:08:46.571176> +++ rxlora[865200]. dst=1 type=0x12 src=4 seq=1 len=23 SNR=7 RSSIpkt=-58 BW=125 CR=4/5 SF=12

Thank you very much for your time! You are the best, my friend!!!

Regards Juergen

CongducPham commented 3 years ago

Good to hear, but still could you send me by mail the makefile you have on your RPI please so I could check & see why there is a problem with normal compilation procedure. Mail:


schroepfer commented 3 years ago

is this the makefile: -rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 197212 Dez 3 13:07 SX127X_lora_gateway ?

CongducPham commented 3 years ago

the file is called "makefile"

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

thanks! I found it and send you.

CongducPham commented 3 years ago

OK, thank you, looks fine for me. So don't know why calling scripts/ does not work.

schroepfer commented 3 years ago

Hello, my loragateway has failed again! :

Date/Time: 2020-12-07T06:40:17 Radio configuration file is for single channel radio last low-level status: 2020-12-06T12:56:17 0m-0d-17h-44min from current date last rx: 2020-12-06T13:00:05.312698> +++ rxlora[865200]. dst=1 type=0x12 src=4 seq=25 len=23 SNR=8 RSSIpkt=-66 BW=125 CR=4/5 SF=12

Then i updated to your new GIT version 547. It didn't help.

Do you think, that it help, when i installl the Gateway completely new?

CongducPham commented 3 years ago

Maybe, although I didn't figure out why there is an error for your case. So yes, please try a new install to see if it works better. If not, then the previous solution (manual make) is still valid. keep in touch. regards,