CongducPham / LowCostLoRaGw

Low-cost LoRa IoT & gateway with SX12XX (SX1261/62/68; SX1272/76/77/78/79; SX1280/81), RaspberryPI and Arduino boards
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next step to many end devices #323

Open dimtsam opened 1 year ago

dimtsam commented 1 year ago

Hi I just made a LoRa gateway using a Raspberry Pi3 and 2 end devices using Arduino Nano I want to make about 50 end devices to communnicate with the gateway and to send data to Thingspeak cloud. What are the steps I must make so each end device sends to specific channel and field at Thingspeak cloud? Now, the 2 end devices that I made sends data, and both of them updates only 1 field at channel I declare to my gateway. I need to "control" which end device sends data to more than 1 channels and fields. Must modificate .py files at the structure of the gateway at the SD card? Hope you understand what I am talking about because my programming knowledge is very low Thanks in advance

CongducPham commented 1 year ago

Hi, what you need is documented here:

what you need to define are key_association, field_association and nomenclature_association.

hope that helps. regards,

dimtsam commented 1 year ago

I just read the tutiorials and Its exactly what I was looking for. Can you please advice me what is the best way to modify these files? Are located to gw_full_latest? Does it needs any permissions for the modification? Thanks a lot

CongducPham commented 1 year ago

On your RPI gateway, these files are in the lora_gateway folder. You can modify them without any problem. Hope that helps,