CongducPham / LowCostLoRaGw

Low-cost LoRa IoT & gateway with SX12XX (SX1261/62/68; SX1272/76/77/78/79; SX1280/81), RaspberryPI and Arduino boards
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32 bit image doesn't boot on Rpi4 #326

Open tk5ep opened 11 months ago

tk5ep commented 11 months ago

Hi, I downloaded the Google drive 32 bit image and burned a SD card with Balenaetcher. When inserted in a brand new Rpi4, nothing happens. No activity at all.

Looking at the manual installation page, it is an old Debian version with deprecated packages. As well as confusing informations. There is even no guide on how to install the gateway software once downloaded on a working Debian distrib.

Can someone help ? Thanks

CongducPham commented 11 months ago

You should use the 64-bit image. regards,

tk5ep commented 11 months ago

Merci, Ca fonctionne. It works. :-) What should I install as a MINIMUM on an existing Debian to make a simple LoRaWan gateway ?

Thank you,

tk5ep commented 11 months ago

BTW, what are the login credentials for an SSH access for this 64 bit version ? admin/loragateway doesn't work, nor pi/raspberry.


CongducPham commented 11 months ago

it the same than on 32-bit: pi/loragateway