CongducPham / LowCostLoRaGw

Low-cost LoRa IoT & gateway with SX12XX (SX1261/62/68; SX1272/76/77/78/79; SX1280/81), RaspberryPI and Arduino boards
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Arduino mini with Doorji sx1278 lora shows a error #57

Open selvamaniraj opened 7 years ago

selvamaniraj commented 7 years ago

Hi ConducPham I have a problem with ping pong sketch. I am using arduino mini with Doorji lora sx1278. SPI Wiring Connections

Arduino mini - Doorji LoRa 10 - D5 11 - MOSI 12 - MISO 13 - SCK

and also i give 3.3v power supply for this board . finally i am upload the program. Finally it shows a error in Serial Monitor Window

"Simple LoRa ping-pong with the gateway Arduino Pro Mini detected Unrecognized transceiver ... ... ... ... ... ..". Can you help me with this issue and thanks in advance.

CongducPham commented 7 years ago

Hi, why are you connecting D5? You should connect the CS pin of your Doorji.


Le 21/12/2016 à 07:36, selvamaniraj a écrit :

Hi ConducPham I have a problem with ping pong sketch. I am using arduino mini with Doorji lora sx1278. SPI Wiring Connections

Arduino mini - Doorji LoRa 10 - D5 11 - MOSI 12 - MISO 13 - SCK

and also i give 3.3v power supply for this board . finally i am upload the program. Finally it shows a error in Serial Monitor Window

"Simple LoRa ping-pong with the gateway Arduino Pro Mini detected Unrecognized transceiver ... ... ... ... ... ..". Can you help me with this issue and thanks in advance.

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C. Pham.

-- ------------ Congduc PHAM - Professor -------------------------- LIUPPA - Equipe T2I U.P.P.A. Pau
UPPA, LIUPPA laboratory, UFR Sciences et Techniques
Avenue de l'Université - BP 1155
phone: [33] (0) 5 59 40 75 94
fax: [33] (0) 5 59 40 76 54
selvamaniraj commented 7 years ago

Thank you for replaying me sir. I change the pin number D5 to CS pin sir but it also shows same error sir.

CongducPham commented 7 years ago

The CS pin of your module should be connected to pin 10 of your mini.

Le 21/12/2016 à 10:02, selvamaniraj a écrit :

Thank you for replaying me sir. I change the pin number D5 to sck sir but it also shows same error sir.

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C. Pham.

-- ------------ Congduc PHAM - Professor -------------------------- LIUPPA - Equipe T2I U.P.P.A. Pau
UPPA, LIUPPA laboratory, UFR Sciences et Techniques
Avenue de l'Université - BP 1155
phone: [33] (0) 5 59 40 75 94
fax: [33] (0) 5 59 40 76 54
selvamaniraj commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the inconvenience .I am already connected correct pin (Arduino pro mini -10 pin to Doorji CS pin) but it also working same sir. I am already tried HOPE RFM sx1272 it's working good but it not working Doorji LoRa module sir

CongducPham commented 7 years ago

Give me a picture of your radio module because some Doorji modules are UART-based and not SPI-based.


Le 21/12/2016 à 10:23, selvamaniraj a écrit :

Sorry for the inconvenience .I am already connected correct pin but it also working same sir.

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C. Pham.

-- ------------ Congduc PHAM - Professor -------------------------- LIUPPA - Equipe T2I U.P.P.A. Pau
UPPA, LIUPPA laboratory, UFR Sciences et Techniques
Avenue de l'Université - BP 1155
phone: [33] (0) 5 59 40 75 94
fax: [33] (0) 5 59 40 76 54
selvamaniraj commented 7 years ago

I am using Doorji sx1278f LoRa Module, (not Doorji lora modem) and also i am attached the Picture of the LoRa module with datasheet. 6709834200_1413292217


CongducPham commented 7 years ago

OK, you have the following setting:

10 - NSS 11 - MOSI 12 - MISO 13 - SCK 3.3v

Sorry to ask, did you connected the GND? Because I don't see the issue here since all pin connections seems correct.

selvamaniraj commented 7 years ago

Yes I have connected my GND and my connections are as follows Pin connections: Arduino pro mini -Doorji LoRa 10-NSS 11-MOSI 12-MISO 13-SCK 3.3v-VCC(8) GND-GND(9)

CongducPham commented 7 years ago

Not sure to understand what you meant by

3.3v-VCC(8) GND-GND(9)

Why pin 8 and pin 9? There are the VCC and GND pins on the board where you should connect the corresponding radio module pins. Also, what version of the Pro Mini do you have? Because you need the 3.3v version, otherwise your board is in 5v which is not good for the radio module.

selvamaniraj commented 7 years ago

Sorry for late reply.The board is working good. Thanks for your support.

Also i have another issue. The issue is that I have adafruit feather mo board (atsamd21g18a). The program shows a error as SerialUSB error. So if change the version of arduino ide from 1.7.5 and 1.7.8 and tried uploading the program but I cant upload it. Can you help me??

CongducPham commented 7 years ago

OK, I see the problem, I will correct it. To fix it quickly, find in the sketch the following statement:

if defined SAMD21G18A


ifdef SAMD21G18A

there should be at 2 places replace both with

if defined SAMD21G18A && not defined ARDUINO_SAMD_FEATHER_M0

I actually don't have the Feather M0, the Arduino Zero or M0 uses SerialUSB while the Feather M0 seems to use Serial.


Le 23/12/2016 à 14:55, selvamaniraj a écrit :

Sorry for late reply.The board is working good. Thanks for your support.

Also i have another issue. The issue is that I have adafruit feather mo board (atsamd21g18a). The program shows a error as SerialUSB error. So if change the version of arduino ide from 1.7.5 and 1.7.8 and tried uploading the program but I cant upload it. Can you help me??

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C. Pham.

-- ------------ Congduc PHAM - Professor -------------------------- LIUPPA - Equipe T2I U.P.P.A. Pau
UPPA, LIUPPA laboratory, UFR Sciences et Techniques
Avenue de l'Université - BP 1155
phone: [33] (0) 5 59 40 75 94
fax: [33] (0) 5 59 40 76 54
CongducPham commented 7 years ago

Actually there are several places where I used

if defined SAMD21G18A

So, the 2 places where you have to replace are:


// we wrapped Serial.println to support the Arduino Zero or M0

if defined SAMD21G18A

define PRINTLN SerialUSB.println("")


ifdef SAMD21G18A





For these 2 defines statements, replace by:

if defined SAMD21G18A && not defined ARDUINO_SAMD_FEATHER_M0

OK, I see the problem, I will correct it. To fix it quickly, find in the sketch the following statement:

if defined SAMD21G18A


ifdef SAMD21G18A

there should be at 2 places replace both with

if defined SAMD21G18A && not defined ARDUINO_SAMD_FEATHER_M0

I actually don't have the Feather M0, the Arduino Zero or M0 uses SerialUSB while the Feather M0 seems to use Serial.


Le 23/12/2016 à 14:55, selvamaniraj a écrit :

Sorry for late reply.The board is working good. Thanks for your support.

Also i have another issue. The issue is that I have adafruit feather mo board (atsamd21g18a). The program shows a error as SerialUSB error. So if change the version of arduino ide from 1.7.5 and 1.7.8 and tried uploading the program but I cant upload it. Can you help me??

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C. Pham.

-- ------------ Congduc PHAM - Professor -------------------------- LIUPPA - Equipe T2I U.P.P.A. Pau
UPPA, LIUPPA laboratory, UFR Sciences et Techniques
Avenue de l'Université - BP 1155
phone: [33] (0) 5 59 40 75 94
fax: [33] (0) 5 59 40 76 54