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TS: Basic syntax #6

Open fatemeh-ra opened 3 weeks ago

fatemeh-ra commented 3 weeks ago


write the following TS functions

// add number a to b
function add(a: number, b: number): number {}

// flip a coin and log the result (head or tail)
// define enum for return type CoinSide
function flipACoin(): CoinSide {}

// concat two strings
function concat(a: string, b: string): string {}

// 2^x = ?
function power2(number x): bigint {}

// user object with first name and last name, both capitalized
// e.g. getUser('hello', 'world') is { firstName: 'Hello', lastName: 'World' }
// you should define the UserObject interface
function getUser(firstName: string, lastName: string): UserObject {}

// greet someone!
// e.g. greet('ConnecMent') is "Hello, ConnecMent! Hope you the best."
function greet(name: string): void {}

// get array of n random numbers
function getNRandomNumbers(n: number): Array<number> {}

// get sorted array of n random numbers, in range min to max
function getNRandomNumbers(n: number, min: number, max:number): Array<number> {}

// log current time with a x seconds interval, for n seconds
function logCurrentTime(x: number, n: number): void {}

// higher order function: call the function in the parameters list
// e.g. callFuncNTimes(flipACoin, 3) calls flipACoin 3 times
function callFuncNTimes(func: () => string, n: number): void {}

// return true if parameter is falsy, false otherwise
function isNil(param?: number): boolean {}

// return true if parameter is number, false otherwise
function isNumber(param: number | string): boolean {}

// call property in object
// e.g. in obj = { callableProp: function () { console.log('hello!') } }, callPropInObj(obj, 'callableProp') will log "hello!"
function callPropInObj<T>(object: T, propertyName: keyof typeof T): void {}

// if the email is gmail
function isGmail(email: string): boolean {}

// duplicate array
// e.g. duplicateArray([1,2,3]) is [1,2,3,1,2,3]
function duplicateArray<T>(array1: Array<T>, array2: Array<T>): boolean {}

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