Hi bros ,
I can use the connectSDK with AirPlay , it works but with Chromecast it doesn't work ..
Error message on Xcode :
"API error: Could not detect if web app launched -- make sure you have the Google Cast Receiver JavaScript file in your web app"
my bad, i order to launch an app with ConnectSDK, you have to connect to the device first ( device.connect() ) , wait to see if it is ready to launch an app with ( device.isReady() ).
Hi bros , I can use the connectSDK with AirPlay , it works but with Chromecast it doesn't work ..
Error message on Xcode : "API error: Could not detect if web app launched -- make sure you have the Google Cast Receiver JavaScript file in your web app"
I'm using the sample app appID .
Can someone help me understand what i missed ?
Thank you guys !