ConnectSDK / Connect-SDK-Cordova-Plugin

Cordova/PhoneGap plugin for Connect SDK
Apache License 2.0
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Android build fails #57

Open federicotarantino opened 7 years ago

federicotarantino commented 7 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

cordova create test cordova platform add android cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-connectsdk cordova build android

I have this error: A problem occurred configuring root project 'android'. Cannot evaluate module Connect-SDK-Android : Configuration with name 'debug' not found.

It seems a gradle error.


mtkopone commented 7 years ago

I can confirm this happens after upgrading cordova android platform to >= 6.0.0

As this is also a problem for me, any help to finding out what's causing this would be nice...

federicotarantino commented 7 years ago

It seems a bug of cordova in 6.4.0. Try with 6.3.0. Worked for me (you must remove platform and re-add)

firecow commented 7 years ago

I'm using Cordova 6.5.0 & Cordova-Android 6.1.2, i am also seeing this error message. I'll try downgrading versions, to locate which version introduced this.

firecow commented 7 years ago

Cordova-Android 5.2.2 is highest working version for avoiding this error message. Main Cordova version doesn't matter.

How can we fix up the code to build with lastest Cordova-Android 6.1.2 ?

phablulo commented 6 years ago

I've just found a workaround. It's working on Cordova-Android 6.2.3.

That's it. Hope it helps someone out there